Setting the position of a NetworkOwned part to (nan,nan,nan)

To simplify my game’s problem, I have a block floating towards a node using AlignPosition.

The block has NetworkOwnership set to the player (As seen by the green outline) and the AlignPosition was enabled locally. It is disabled server side.

If the part glitches out and its position is set to (nan,nan,nan), it loses its network ownership.
This can be seen by teleporting the part back and seeing its white outline.

This is all fairly expected behaviour. The issue however is when you add another AlignPosition part to the mix.

  • If a part is currently moving with AlignPosition (Enabled and the Active value is set to true)
  • And you set the Position of another Active or Inactive AlignPosition part to nan,nan,nan
  • Then BOTH parts will lose their network ownership and have their AlignPosition.Active set to false.

Here is a diagram to explain it more simply

Here is a link to the place if anyone wants to try it for themselves.

It’s super weird behaviour which is far from ideal in my game as if one part leaves the map, all AlignPosition parts will break. If anyone has any idea how to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated!