Several bundles with included head assets incorrectly render with default head in thumbnails and 3D previews

Reproduction Steps

  1. Visit the Avatar Shop and go to the Characters section
  2. Casually browse the different bundles and observe any that are using the default head in thumbnails instead of the included head asset

Expected Behavior
Bundles should always be shown with the included head asset, if any, when viewed in the 3D preview or in thumbnails anywhere on the site.

Actual Behavior
Some bundles are instead displayed with the default head in thumbnails and 3D previews. The head assets themselves still render correctly when viewed individually. Equipping the heads does not reproduce the issue either.

Bundle page:

Included head asset page:

Thumbnail of avatar with bundle assets equipped:

List of the affected bundles (may not be complete)

Issue Area: Catalog Assets
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly


This is now fixed, please let us know if you continue to see any issues.


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