Severe bug for VR users

Before I consider this option, can you tell me why you’re so confident this will fix the issue? I’m not having ANY problems with Roblox Studio and everything loads perfectly. I only had this problem when I installed the Vive. Before then, I had no issued at all.

Also if you could explain in detail how and what this will do to my computer that would be great.


I’m not sure why you think it’s VR related in any way TBH. It looks like for some reason some of the assets fail to load with a non-descript error - which is strange.

You can try removing SteamVR to check if this will resolve the fetching errors but it would be very surprising if it does… (you can reinstall SteamVR later).

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It randomly fixed itself yesterday. I’m not sure if that’s your doing but thanks :slight_smile: