SFBAKYVU || Update Logs

Welcome to the ‘Sword Fight But Also Keep Your Vitals Up’ update logs page!

This game is currently in an ALPHA phase.
Version 0.0.0


  • Alpha Phase: [CURRENT]
    The Alpha Phase means the game is currently a work in progress and the main objective of the game hasn’t even been completed. The game is closed to trusted people only during this phase.

  • Beta Phase:
    The Beta Phase means the game’s primary objective has been completed, but there are multiple bugs that still need to be patched. At this time, the game is only open to hired Beta Testers.

  • Full Release:
    The full release phase means the game has been thoroughly tested for bugs and the game should perform satisfactorily upon release. At this time, the game is opened to all Roblox Players.

The game is still expected to have bugs upon Full Release.

Lead Developer

Last Updated: 2021-09-10 6:06 PM MDT