Shadows Are Completely Incorrect For Layered Clothing

I’d assume the wall still has CastShadow enabled as having a shadow cast onto a CastShadow disabled part is known to cast shadows incorrectly.

Yes, the only things that are giving off shadows are the layered clothing and the wall.

Thanks for the report! This is a known issue and the engineers are already working on a fix. We will announce when we will have an update!


Just chiming in to report this is still an unfixed issue as of 6/16/2022

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Still unfixed as of 2022-07-11. It really is annoying me since I am someone who loves lighting and this hurts my brain to see. I am hoping this gets fixed.


Any updates on this? This is still happening as of 7/11/22, observe my leg shadows not rendering because of HSR :

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No fix yet, but the issue is being worked on.

Will update the thread when the fix will be ready. Thanks for your patience!


There are still shadow bugs with Layered Clothing, despite @Focia19’s reply being 7 months old:

It looks like layered clothing is shrinking my character’s arms, for some reason.

Still occuring as of 2nd March, 2023:


Studio version: 0.565.0.5650363 (64bit)

Now you have to fix this because I went through all five stages of grief realising you can’t copy Studio’s version number from the About Studio menu.

Also, I just noticed this:

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Still occuring as of version 565 on 10th March 2023:

With layered clothing (white trench coat):


Without layered clothing:

The shadows of the arms look thicker and far better without the layered clothing trench coat.

Studio version: 0.566.0.05660545 (64bit)

The only reason I can think of for this not being fixed is that staff are deliberately avoiding any posts I bump because they despise how much better, handsome, and overall cooler my avatar is compared to theirs.

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It has been so long since there was any update on this. I really hope this gets fixed soon as it bothers me so much

Update: I have been staring at it so much and it still bothers me. One of my games uses first-person bodies and I decided to make all local players have no shadows since the shadows are so broken

(Notice the shadow on the boxes and the lack of shadow for the character)


Experiencing this issue as well but much worse. This shawl casts massive shadows

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FWIW, and my apologies, I should have update this thread earlier…

Thank you for reporting this, we are looking into this and this will likely be resolved soon.


This is still occurring as of 572.

With layered clothing:

Moving layered clothing to ReplicatedStorage/deleting it:

As you can see, the shadow of my character’s arms look “fuller” and thicker without the layered clothing, but look like sticks with it.

Here is a repro file:

LayeredClothingBugRepro.rbxl (152.6 KB)

@TigerRabbit2 pls update

(28 days later)
EDIT 26/05/2023: CDDevelopment it looks like the main issue was fixed:




According to maximum_adhd, this happened just over 2 weeks ago:

I know I’m late… but I like bug reports that were fixed to have the “Solved” checkmark…

Unfortunately, although the code for this has been fixed for over a week, we are still waiting for QA to test it, to make sure it doesn’t cause other averse effects. This is planned to happen tomorrow, after which we will flip the flag and it will instantly fix the issue in live clients.

I hope this helps, and thanks for being ‘on-the-ball’ on this issue.


There is a new issue related to this.

Parts that are welded or attached to characters with CastShadows disabled now cast flickery and really long shadows whenever the character is wearing a layered clothing item that also has cast shadow enabled.

This is an interesting problem because this seems to show that the engine is trying to calculate shadows on parts that explicitly have shadows disabled.

(The wings in this clip are the only layered clothing object on my avatar)

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Thank you for reporting.

Yes unfortunately another completely unrelated change was made that has negative impact on shadows. This caused crashes in particular on A12 GPUs, but also has shadowing artifacts you are describing. We are working to resolve all these issues (fixes have gone in and look like they will be part of the 573 release). But it will push back the original issue a bit.

FWIW engineers are looking into this issue actively. We really appreciate getting the repros and videos.


Can confirm the original issue is fixed. Thanks again for the report!