Shadows flickering upon deleting a model via script

I am not sure if that is the correct support but uh i’ve been experienced some quite weird stuff, everytime i delete a model via scripts, my shadows flicker weirdly and i have no idea how to fix that at all, the only time this has happened to me was when i forgot an humanoid in workspace but i do not have any currently so.

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Well i was meant to send a file along with the message but everytime i try to send my video it just errors /:

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Im having the same issue. Do you render your object on the client? (that’s what probably is causing my issue)

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yeah i render my objects on clients but even if it wasn’t on the client this would still happen prob

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nope, I tried It on the server and it was fixed. The problem I have is that the objects HAVE to be on the client

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same here, no idea how to fix that

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could I ask, why do you need to render object on the client? (In my case its for a TD game to not nuke your PC with 500 models)

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Same here, tho i found a fix on my side, what was happening on was that i didn’t clamp my alpha value for my bezier curve script from 0 to 1, causing the enemies reaching the end to may end with over a little 1 of alpha making my calculation break and just teleporting them miles away from the center point of my game

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Ye I had this problem to but it was a very easy fix

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Wait, did they teleport like 1 millisecond away before you destroyed them?

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kinda i guess, it’s not really 1 millisecond but ye

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How did you fix it? Idk on how to do it rly

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like i said i just clamped my alpha value so it doesn’t go over 1

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clamp? What do you mean? Is it like a math command or?

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math.clamp(x, min, max)
basically yes


I tried clamping the alpha value but it didn’t work. Maybe I did something wrong. How did you do it?

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i just like clamped it idk, for me this fixed it, might be another cause on your side

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Can you send the the code how you clamped it?

I did this:

math.clamp("calculation for alpha", 0, 1)
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