Shadows lower resolution than before?

Hello, I want to give a spot light to the new issue that is the shadow resolution, previously, the shadow resolution used to be sharper and more detailed as I would call it, I will present you a before and after:

PC Info: Windows 10
Date First Experienced: Sep 1 - 8 ( I forgot )
Date Last Experienced: Sep 14 ( Last Opened Studio )

Reproduction Step:
none ( It’s a Studio issue, all you have to do is open it. )



Shadow Softness still makes shadows appear blurry and low quality even when it is valued at 0, the shadow’s resolution has dropped so much I can even count the amount of voxels it is made out of. This came recently with the new update and not even sun position seems to do anything as it still finds a way to remain that low of a quality.

I ask whom ever was in charge with the new updates and to please check what is wrong with the new shadows because that much of a decrease it tremendous. I know this is a bug because as soon as I launched Roblox Studio, I was awaited by this ugly thing that might as well represent a jump scare. You could just increase shadow resolution at short distances because I don’t see a performance impact to the previous one because my frame rate is still capped at 60 on my mid spec laptop.


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


Is your lighting technology set to future? If not, try that because it looks alot better than ShadowMap and I haven’t personally had any issues with Future yet.

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Have you checked to make sure that your Studio render quality setting is set to 21? If not, you can find it by going to File -> Studio Settings -> Rendering -> Editor Quality Level in Roblox Studio. Most of the time when I’ve seen similar issues, it is due to either my hardware being throttled, that setting having been reset as a result of me having to hard reinstall Studio due to various issues, or due to my graphics drivers being out of date.

Also, @AlexPalex178, both screenshots are very clearly using game.Lighting.Technology = Future- you can see that from how the normal maps of the ground material are treated and by how the vehicle has a specular effect that looks somewhat realistic. Although both normal maps and Specular effects still work in voxel/shadowmap, Future lighting handles them far better as a result of how it works.

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It’s set to 21, it always has been, all my rendering settings are the same as they were before.

I recommend using a small shadow softness. This is the only way to keep shadows optimized

This issue is caused by the camera’s FOV change it to 30 for maximum resolution under 30 is pure zoom and doesn’t affect shadow resolution this is just how Roblox shadows work the shadows are always the same resolution and each texel of the shadowmap covers approximately the same amount of your screen at any FOV but you notice at higher FOV that the shadowmap’s texels take up more physical ingame space making the shadows appear lower res.

You can lower the FOV and use cframe magic to make the cameras FOV higher than what Roblox thinks it is and observe the shadows more high res in the centre of your screen but not there/very glitchy at the edges.

Cframe magic:


put in local script.


This is a regression in shadow creation logic, no script nor workaround should be needed. I too have recently encountered this in my experience, lights in my experience have all of a sudden started rendering as if they had 0 ShadowSoftness, detrimental to my experience’s artistic design.

Also this does not appear to affect player shadows, although it’s worth noting that player shadows appear to be rendered differently anyway.


Remember that only the centre of your screen will look great the edges are glitchy and usually hidden from view.

And I forgot to say this only works on the sunlight not local lights(pointlights,spotlightsetc).

Are you using SurfaceLights by any chance?

No, as I stated, this is a recent regression and was previously not an issue, I am using a PointLight and this was never an issue in the past.

Is your graphics level at maximum?
Are you using future lighting technology?

Will this affect FOV in any way or any visuals other than shadows?

It can effect visibility of particles, guis and lights(due to lights being closely tied to shadows).
The solution i proposed is less than ideal.

beep beep… erm… any updates?
all of my shadows are looking NOT great and that fact heavily concerns me

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