Greetings! Thank you for taking time to read the Shakes n’ Bakes Role Handbook.
You’re probably wondering: “hey, what are all these roles?” Don’t worry, they’ll all be covered in here.
(hopefully) The roles are shown in order of power, starting from the top.
The leader of the group. They control everything, whether it be menu items, who gets ranked up, etc.
Board Member
The Board Members work in conjunction with the Director to make Shakes n’ Bakes runs smoothly. They regulate all the Director’s decisions.
Self-explanatory, really. They develop the group games, and are also HRs. Treat them with respect.
There are many sub-manager divisions, which include:
Finance Manager, Staff Manager and Shift Manager.
These divisions are self-explanatory.
Managers are given an Assistant.
Assistants are the first in line to become Manager.
Managers can choose their assistants.
Manager's Assistant
They assist the manager, and are chosen from senior staff. There is only ONE per manager, and these are the people to DM if you want to ask a question to the managers. They will forward your message.
Senior Staff
Senior staff are the most experienced staff members, and are usually selected by hand. They cannot host trainings, but can help train. (These are also the people who get chosen for Manager’s Assistant.
Chef, Cleaner, Barista, Waiter
These are Junior Staff members who have been trained thoroughly, but are not yet Senior Staff.
Junior Staff
Staff who have passed their application, and are awaiting training.
Our group link!!/about