This is the Shakes n’ Bakes rule handbook. Message a HR if you have any questions.
Rules (obviously..)
Rule 1.
Staff are never to bypass the Roblox filter under any circumstances. If your message is filtered, you are expected to post it over Discord and ping the people it was directed at.
Rule 2.
Staff are to treat all customers & fellow staff members with respect at all times.
Rule 3.
Staff are expected to follow all directives & orders given from HRs (within reason, if you see a HR admin abusing report straight to the Director/Board members.)
Rule 4.
Staff are expected to report any and all misconduct. (Customers included.)
Rule 5.
No false reporting. It WILL get you demoted. (if you do it enough times, we aren’t THAT harsh.)
Rule 6.
If staff are seen using their position to abuse it, report a HR with proof immediately.
Customer Rules
Rule 1.
No cutting in lines. If staff see this they are to warn the customer immediately. If they keep on cutting in line, report to a HR.
Rule 2.
No exploiting. If a customer is seen exploiting, staff are expected to message HRs with video/screenshot proof.
Rule 3.
No trolling of any kind.
Rule 4.
No bypassing.