I am testing out the new Shapecast method for my Furniture Placement system and for some reason, it seems like it is failing to detect the floor, but will detect the Baseplate beneath that.
This is an image of the bed failing to attach to the floor beneath it, this system was working when I was using a different method but I wanted to opt for some new technology.
This is the bed now attached to the Baseplate beneath that floor. This only happens when the Baseplate is included in the RaycastParams.
I will paste the calculation function below in case anyone can spot any inconsistencies in my code.
local function calcPosition(): CFrame
if not Mouse.Target then
return nil
local size: Vector3 = Moving.Object:GetExtentsSize()
local x: number, z: number
local y: number = 5
local offsetX: number, offsetZ: number
if Rotation > 0 then
offsetX = size.X * 0.5
offsetZ = size.Z * 0.5
offsetX = size.Z * 0.5
offsetZ = size.X * 0.5
x = Mouse.Hit.X - offsetX
z = Mouse.Hit.Z - offsetZ
local pos: CFrame = CFrame.new(x, 0, z)
pos = snap(pos)
Moving.origin.CFrame = CFrame.new(offsetX, 10, offsetZ)
local included: {[number]: BasePart} = plrHouse:GetDescendants()
shapecastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = included
local cast: RaycastResult = workspace:Shapecast(Moving.origin,-Moving.origin.CFrame.UpVector * 10, shapecastParams)
if cast and cast.Instance then
warn (cast.Instance:GetFullName())
y = cast.Normal.Y
local finalCF: CFrame = pos * CFrame.new(offsetX, y, offsetZ)
return finalCF * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(Rotation), 0)
The part is CanCollide, CanQuery, and CanTouch = true.
It was working at first, but I had to create a temporary shapecast part (the 0.5 transparent part) that was a clone of the Hitbox to properly raycast downwards. Otherwise, it would jump up and down attaching itself to the Baseplate and floor. Any ideas as to why it may not be working now?