Shard Seekers - Update Log

Update 2024/04/30

:comet: Old shards are back, with new effects and sounds!
:boom: Shards can break up in the atmosphere for multiple impacts.
:dove: Added free songbird and cat characters!
:deer: Big cat and deer are back! (Given automatically if you had them before.)
:dragon: Big cats are huge! Dragon and rex size increased 1.1x!
:butterfly: Butterfly flight speed increased 2x!
:crocodile: Crocodilians can hold others in their mouth!
:city_sunset: Sunrise, sunset, and night are longer.
:person_shrugging: [Experiment] Replaced proximity chat with global chat, and reduced server sizes.
• Fixed issue where horses wouldn’t restore rest/stamina from campfires.
• You can despawn followers from the character menu.
• Removed option to pick up someone’s follower if they are already holding it.
• Character icon changes. Rest poses are shown.
• Follower ride points save now.
• People who had all-white clothes are set to a green-gray outfit.
• Camera max zoom increased, and changed to use springs instead of exponential decay.
• Nametag size changes.
• Chat bubble fade improvements.
• Worm crawl changes.
• Lots of technical changes. Let me know if something breaks!

Update 2024/01/25

:fox_face: Fox is back!
:gem: Shard price rebalance!
:person_in_lotus_position: New sit animation for elves/humans!
:frog: Protodraken can climb.
:scorpion: Scorpions attack. Watch out. Your attacks will do damage in an upcoming update.
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Added loading screen lore/tip text.

Update 2024/01/18

:dove: More flight changes. Save 50% stamina when gently gliding down, and 75% during dives. Flying without stamina is more forgiving.
:straight_ruler: Extended the size option! Be even bigger! (or smaller!)
:person_in_lotus_position: Sitting/laying aligns with the ground again.
:hammer_and_wrench: Technical improvements in preparation for health/combat.

Update 2024/01/15

:scroll: Font update!
:memo: Bios can be 3x longer! (They are shown as “…” by default. There are 3 new “Character names” settings if you want to see them more easily.)
:fire: New emoji limiter! (Longer messages/names allowed)
:dove: Flight adjustments. Stamina drains more slowly, and it’s easier to get up to speed.
:hatching_chick: Fixed not being able to rebirth as a newborn.
:hammer_and_wrench: It’s not shown, but total rebirths will start storing for characters.
:hammer_and_wrench: Ride compatibility changes for child elf/human.
(Emojis will become “#” if there are too many, or if it’s blocked.)
(Emojis limits may change for character names in the future.)

Update 2023/12/20

:compass: Huge exploration update! Bubblebrooke Bay has 37 discoverable locations, new biomes, and 4x more trees! This is just the beginning…
:paw_prints: Combat animations and sounds added for crocodilian, dragon, bear, wolf, and cat!
:camping: Stand near campfires to restore rest and stamina!
:bird: Flight speed increased for birds and bats!
:carrot: Added carrots! Some foraging level requirements are adjusted.
:fish: Added cavefish…
:scorpion: Aggressive scorpion NPCs are added, but combat is not ready. NPCs have spatial awareness and will follow you for now.
:fire: Campfire lighting improvements.
:hammer_and_wrench: Fixed bug where inactive characters wouldn’t appear when changing characters for the first time.

Update 2023/11/30

:dragon_face: Dragon form update! Start as a wingless dragon and unlock water/sky forms, each with unique tails!
:pray: Protodraken/tetrapteryx are now separate characters!
:snowflake: ICE DRAGON IS BACK!
:evergreen_tree: New forest dragon design!
:new_moon: Ash dragon is changed back to shadow dragon! Expect updated customization in a future update.
:wrench: New chin/jaw option for dragons. Changed fall animation.
:dash: Speed rebalance. Young characters are much faster and fall slower.
:ocean: Added water simulation for tumble/ragdoll. Anti-cheat less likely to rubberband you when doing flips.
:zap: Added multhithreaded character physics. It’s more responsive and less laggy, but might feel different. The server will use this for NPCs.
:hammer_and_wrench: Fixed getting stuck when walking up north-aligned slopes.
:hammer_and_wrench: Removed anti-bonk when jumping.
:hammer_and_wrench: Expect updated water/sky dragon tail designs for sun/blood skin (and possibly shadow) in a future update.

Update 2023/10/31

:dizzy: Added a “Tumble” ragdoll animation to all characters.
:rabbit2: Elf characters can now carry small animals and children.
:fire: Added a torch item!
:unlock: Character limit increased to 3 for each type. Inventory cap reduced for some characters.
:grey_question: Added a boat in Elven Forest that leads to the test area for Crimsoncrest. (There’s not much to see.)
:crocodile: Baby croc is smaller. (Sorry, still no sounds for croc.)

Update 2023/10/19

:open_book: Added welcome guide and update log.
:straight_ruler: The character “Size” option is back!
:merperson: Water elf updated to have legs and a tail.
:pray: Character menu updated to make form requirements less confusing.

Update 2023/10/11

:crocodile: Crocodilian is released! Expect sounds and customization in future updates.

  • Cat and Wolf are now separate characters. If you had wolf unlocked, you’ll end up with separate cat and wolf characters of the same level.
  • Last week’s Roblox update caused the characters to lag a lot more. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
  • I created an animation editor for Shard Seekers. Not directly seen in-game, but an important tool for managing and creating animations. The crocodilian’s animations were created with this editor.
  • Lore has been developed for a “pantheon”: AI caretakers for this heritage world, each with personalities and goals, revered like gods. Not yet referenced in-game, but are foundational to the worldbuilding.

Update 2023/08/01

:house_with_garden: Added new buildings to Riverstone Village, added caves nearby, and improved the surrounding landscape!
:open_book: Bubblebrooke Bay has 3 new books! (2 near Riverstone and 1 near Kro’sha’fel.)
:pray: All coastlines are changed to be less steep.
:wrench: Buildings and walls are now visible from far away!
:world_map: Added an image for Elven Forest’s map!
:open_book: Added a lore book to Elven Forest! (near the Forest Lake Wayshard.)

Update 2023/07/23

:fire: FOLLOWERS ARE BACK! :fire: Switch perspectives! Ride/carry followers! Grow two characters at once! See your inactive characters and swap to them!

Features that should work:

  • Interact with the follower to switch perspectives with it.
  • People can send ride/carry requests to your follower.
  • “Spawn at Wayshard” will spawn you with a follower at the nearest Wayshard.
  • Your follower/mount should persist when teleporting to a Wayshard or map.
  • Inactive characters keep the ride pose.
  • When playing as characters that were riding, it will play as both automatically.

Features that might be added later on:

  • Keyboard shortcut to swap perspectives with follower.
  • Better experience for when followers gets lost.
  • Smarter pathfinding. Although this is a pretty big undertaking. I can look at specific issues people have.
  • Ability to let your follower rest without following you.

Update 2023/07/14

:bear: Bear and butterfly are back! :butterfly:
:rabbit2: Horse, bird, bat, rat, and rabbit are separate characters now.
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Form update undone for old non-refunded bear/horse/bird/bat/rat characters. You may end up with new characters added instead. It’s not precise, so you may get some random ones as gifts.
:strawberry: Forage/eat animations for: human, horse, deer, bear, and cat.
:dragon_face: Roar/attack added as emote for dragon/draken.
:racehorse: Fixed deer/horse leg position in sit animation.
:ocean: Added swim animations for the horse.
:timer_clock: Growth time is reduced for rabbit and human, with life stage adjustments.
:wrench: Fixed word wrap on the lore books.

Update 2023/07/11

:pray: Gliding changed to feel more like it did in 2019. Momentum from dives is preserved too.
:open_book: Added a book menu with sounds. There’s a book in the Bubblebrooke Orphanage upstairs. Expect lore content like this in the future.
:dove: Movement controls and gliding fixed. Easier to walk and glide.

  • More stamina for low level characters.
  • New map menu with progress and panning.
  • Animation blending is much smoother.
  • Menus close automatically when you begin walking.
  • In cinematic mode, the chat tab moves to be with the center tabs instead of hiding.
  • Jump height adjusts based on what’s above you (anti-bonk.)
  • Thumbstick now exists while sitting. Walking will stand you up.
  • Dandelions require level 5 foraging and give more XP.
  • Local shard spawns added to help new players.
  • Growth progress now hides when fully grown.
  • Stamina drain now flashes yellow instead of red.
  • Worms are 2x more speedy.

What happened to my animals?

So much has changed. Nearly all animals were converted into new starter animals in December 2022. I’m sorry to change the characters you may have fond memories with. I’ve reverted some of these changes. A lot is still different, but overall the game is at a better point now.

The shards spent on each character is preserved, and you can get shards back by selling duplicates or by claiming price-change refunds. Shards can be spent on cosmetics and future content.

For information on growing and leveling, view the “Welcome Guide” from the in-game settings tab (:gear:)

Update Archive

Update 2023/06/30

:mountain: Map design update! New discoverable locations. New terrain. This is just the beginning.
:gem: Shard pods are rarer and drop extra primal shards.
:black_circle: Added a new shard pod type (rare.)

  • Transplanted 2 regions from the original Shard Seekers map. (This is for Bubblebrooke Bay. You can travel there using the map tab if you’re still in Elven Forest.)
  • Added sprinting and new mobile movement controls. Press shift on PC. Sprinting is automatic on mobile based on drag distance.
  • Added a combined radial meter for hunger-health and rest-stamina.
  • Anti-cheat is less likely to rubberband you when stamina runs out.
  • You can interact with objects slightly off-screen.
  • Added crosshair.
  • Flight is faster. Stamina restores faster and drains faster.
  • Upgraded the default lighting technology.

Update 2023/03/02

:strawberry: Removed diet restrictions. Eat any food you want.
:fast_forward: All foods fill you up ~2x more.
:swimming_man: Fixed water physics. You no longer get dunked while swimming near the surface.
Doubled hunger and rest capacities.
Shards are redesigned and spawn 2x more, with more Primal Shards (I made this change a few weeks ago.)

Update 2023/01/24

:gem: All characters now cost 100 shards!
:strawberry: New Bubblebrooke Bay creek with strawberries!
:bug: Worms crawl between safe spots now! Try to catch them!
:fish: Catfish require level 5 hunting and give more XP!

  • Stamina restores 2x faster, but rest drains faster while this happens.
  • All characters move 25% faster.
  • Shards are being renamed to “Primal Shards”.
  • Redesigned the shop menu and adjusted prices/amounts.
  • Shards spawn 3x more, but give just one primal shard each.
  • You can now buy a second character of a type for 1000 shards. Price-change refunds are based on this value.
  • Added server-side character count limiting to greatly reduce lag on low-end devices.
  • If joining a friend’s server fails, it will give you a code so we know what step is failing.
  • Added a map image to Bubblebrooke Bay.
  • Fixed the weather system and added rain.
  • Fixed a bug where character positions were sending at a low rate. Other people are so much smoother now!
  • Added recovery point shrines. You will appear at the nearest recovery point or wayshard after a map version update, to prevent getting stuck in a wall.
  • Added new roads to Bubblebrooke.
  • Grazers now spawn in a tutorial map.
  • Most foods now restore 1 food point regardless of character type.
  • Red meat is removed for ethics/worldbuilding reasons. Fish and bugs are staying.
  • Grouped the tabs at the top and made them collapsible. Added a neat animation for the arrow. Cinematic mode leaves the center tabs unchanged.
  • Hunger renamed to Food. Food/Rest meter capacity are now based on selected life stage. Going to a previous stage can cause it to be over-full, which is intended.
  • Added notification to the character tab for when you need rest/food.
  • Rebalanced protodraken to swim faster.
  • Switched to a distance-based gesture system, so map icons are clickable even while fully overlapping.
    (Some of these changes were made a few weeks in advance)

Update 2022/12/09

:rabbit2: Added form progression for all animals (except for discontinued ones.)
:world_map: Added map tab and location discovery with XP rewards.

  • New Bubblebrooke Bay map with waterfalls, new trees, and a few detailed locations.
  • Added a critter system with huntable catfish.
  • Adjusted the XP curve so early levels are easier.
  • Added music for leveling up, and sounds for harvesting fish and plants.
  • Added a stash system for storing items. Click and drag items over to the trash to delete them.
  • Resetting using the Roblox menu will show a “Use the map to travel” notification.
  • You can accept ride requests directly from the radial menu.
  • Better icon for player interaction.
  • Added a new system for purchasing cosmetics with shards.
  • Skins/fur can be recolored for some forms.
  • Added a data migration system so I can add new persistent features without needing to support old save formats forever.
  • Shards are rarer, and give XP when collected. Shards are not needed to grow.
  • Small fixes and performance improvements.

Update 2022/05/05

:dragon_face: Sun/sand dragon remodel! It can use all of the ash dragon emotes!
:horse_racing: New ride constraints that allow more combinations! It’s now based on each character’s relative size, so the height option affects it.

  • New smooth zoom to first person.
  • New dark theme chat bubbles. Private messages appear with blue text. Some RP conventions like "Hi!" or *eats* change the font.
  • New nametag setting. Display names are now shown by default. See someone’s username / RP names by interacting with their character.
  • New gamepad-compatible player interaction menus. Use it to ride, carry, private message, and send friend requests.
  • The gamepad cursor now shows ‘X’ when hovering over a button to make it more intuitive.
  • New side button on mobile that appears as a shortcut for the nearest interact prompt.
  • New field of view setting. The default was changed from 80° to 70°.
  • New brightness setting. It affects shadows, vibrance, and exposure. Default saturation is increased slightly.
  • You can choose to show display names / RP names / usernames like before in the settings tab.
  • Bubblebrooke’s default spawn now has 1 point instead of 6. This makes ‘Spawn Nearby’ more consistent.
  • Fixed some floating plants and missing ocean in Elven Forest.

Update 2022/04/21

:house: Added new furnished homes! Includes traversable chimneys, doors, cupboards, candles, and furniture!
:camping: Added campsites and picnic areas!

  • Added immersive environment sounds for water and fire.
  • Fixed multi-riding for large mounts.
  • “E” shortcut no longer kicks riders.
  • Adjusted interact button text and transparency so it’s less intrusive.
  • Increased flight dive speed, and added flight stamina.
  • The anti-cheat should rubberband you less during flight.
  • Shrunk characters by 14% so the measurements of characters and objects match correctly for new maps I’m preparing to create.
  • Added extra terrain detail to elven forest.
  • Discontinued some of the old humanoid races.
  • Increased server capacity over 2x.
  • Removed the claw option on blood dragons. Longer claws should probably just be default someday.
  • Implemented a new binary format for models. It’s faster and allows for more detail.
  • Made progress with custom binary data tools for inventory items and other systems. These are designed to be extremely scalable and support tons of content (and types of content) long term.

(Some of these changes were made a few weeks in advance)

Update 2022/03/12

:dragon_face: New blood dragon model!
:world_map: The homes and towers have more details and brighter colors.

  • Updated the join system so it should be more reliable (hopefully.) If you get stuck on the join screen let me know.
  • I made a some progress with custom data development tools. The game will support tons of inventory items and content like that more easily.
    (Some of these changes were made a few days before the 12th)

Update 2022/02/23

:wolf: New wolf emotes and improved wolf models!
:world_map: Added new secret buildings, details, and a cave in elven forest.

  • Wolves now grow at level 3 instead of level 5. Newborns start with closed eyes.
  • Fixed a bug where characters would flicker in the character menu.
  • Improved join times. (The data system now use a compact binary format.)
  • I made a lot of progress with custom map development tools. Most of my time was spent on this. Shard Seekers environments can now support 100k+ objects without lagging in-game or in-studio.

Custom selector for shard seekers:

Roblox Studio default selector:

Update 2021/12/24

:wolf: Wolf remodel and progression early release! Expect many more animations in the coming weeks!
:world_map: Map zone system release! Bubblebrooke and Elven Forest are available for now. New zones will be added long-term.
:paw_prints: Added hunting! You can catch worms and find meat. More hunting activities are planned long-term.
:apple: Added 10 new foods hidden around the map.

  • There’s now a button to spawn nearby when switching characters.
  • Teleporting to a friend has shortened timer and works between servers. Your friends will appear at a nearby spawn facing you.
  • 2016 era dogs (shard sniffer and lab) were converted into baby songbirds. This way you get a free baby bird for joining the group.
  • Huskies were converted to wolves. Wolves have all restarted as newborns, and now have age progression enabled. If you had an adult unlocked, you can claim a refund equal to the price difference.
  • Changed the chat input to be dark theme.
  • Added better search support for languages that use combining symbols.
  • Added a zalgo text limiter for character names and chat.

Update 2021/10/22

:dragon_face: Ash dragon is released! Shadow dragons have new models, new animations, and a new name. Each age stage has unique assets and textures.

  • Added new body tilting animations for rats, rabbits, ice dragons, forest dragons, and ash dragons.
  • Added a new loading screen. It will keep you updated with progress when loading your save data.
  • Added save locking, so only one server may change your save at a time. This is important for upcoming map zones, and reduces the chance of data loss.
  • Fixed interact buttons being slightly off-center.
  • Fixed a rare bug where an object’s level of detail wouldn’t be updated under specific circumstances.
  • You now start the game with the camera facing the same direction as your character.
  • Fixed a bug where tree detail was clamped to [7, 10] instead of [1, 7] (oof!)
  • Changed how the terrain system resolves geometry to improve performance.
  • Changed how private messaging works internally. It will send faster, and will let you know if a message fails to send.
  • You can no longer create private servers. This is needed for the future map zone system.
  • Improved the quality of nametags on mobile and PC.

Quiet update 2021-09-01

  • Removed some of the rarely used fast travel locations.
  • Fixed a glitch where sometimes the neck tilt wouldn’t work until characters played an animation for the first time.
  • Made it so you can eat stuff faster. The animation will still play every few seconds, but you can hear the sound each time something is eaten.
  • Made the newborn rat run a bit faster. It’s not realistic but it’s better for gameplay.
  • Added XP notifications. The amount of XP you get from eating food is temporary.

Update 2021/08/08

:horse_racing: Fixed ride requests! The allowed distance is now correctly based on the size of both characters.

  • Added a new notification system. They adjust location based on touch controls and side menus.
  • You will get notifications when a ride request fails to send, when someone accepts/declines a ride request, or when one expires.
  • When a ride request is declined, that person’s requests will be hidden for 10 seconds.
  • Mounts can now take riders into their player home test area.
  • Rainy weather is a bit more rare.

Update 2021/07/24

:leafy_green: Rabbits and rats can eat food items!
:tulip: Added new plant items and map decorations!
:rat: Rats can test the progression system!

  • [Temporary] Rats can collect dandelions to test age unlocking. Rats will reset to newborn upon rejoining.
  • Added new descriptive signs around the player home test area. They will translate based on your language settings.
  • The character age unlocking system is done! Age changing is allowed in the player home test area, and is only available for rat characters right now. I need to develop activities and skills before enabling this for other animals.
  • Added a “will be reset to newborn” disclaimer to the character menu. See “Future Updates” below for more info.
  • Removed the “Playable” text from the character menu. All characters are playable so this was redundant.
  • Newly unlocked characters now spawn at non-Bubblebrooke locations based on its type.
  • Added a custom cursor, and the cursor changes when you hover over buttons.
  • Added searching features to the character list and inventory.
  • The inventory now uses the “I” key. “`”/“~” will still activate it for now.

Update 2021/06/24

:rabbit2: New rabbit and rat models with unique newborns and emotes!
:blossom: Dandelions are now harvestable!
:national_park: New lakes near Bubblebrooke!
:blue_book: Character list redesign!
:school_satchel: New inventory system!

  • The rabbit’s textures are more lifelike than before, but there are fewer fur options than before due to engine limitations.
  • Item collection is available for rabbits, rats, and humanoids/merfolk.
  • The player home test area is much larger, but it still doesn’t do anything aside from make other players disappear.
  • Follower spawning is removed. This is needed for the new inventory and future progression systems.
  • Characters now have unique saved locations and progress. Play as a character to continue where it left off.
  • You can see where your characters are located along with their age in the character list.
  • Unnamed characters will display descriptor text in the character list.
  • You can now customize your current character directly without changing to the character creation area. Changes will show for other people when the menu closes.
  • Fixed the “Sell Character” button not showing up.
  • Character interaction distance is now based on the physics bounding box. This should make everything a bit more realistic, and help extend reach for large characters in some cases (like for dismounting riders.)
  • Improved character/map performance at high load distances.
  • Tree detail distance now caps out at 7 on the Object Distance setting. This makes high settings more usable.
  • The flowing grass effect now only appears at higher graphics settings. It seemed to be a main cause of lag.
  • Added a new barefoot/paw grass footstep sound. The previous run sound would cut out randomly.
  • Improved the blending and responsiveness of the running-to-standing animation transition.
  • You can no longer zoom using the I/O keys. You can use +/- instead.
  • Characters now start fresh with a unique inventory.
  • Weapon items are disabled for now. I still need to develop a system for managing equipment slots and other constraints, and rethink the game’s combat system.
  • The new item database is extremely scalable unlike before. I could add thousands of new item types endlessly now.
  • It’s possible to make items wearable by animals! I hope to utilize this soon.
  • The inventory data structure is sorted to improve access performance for very large inventories by doing a binary search. It uses lightweight binary strings.
  • Item data is extendable. It’s possible to add things like item customization / dyes, durability, dual-wielding, enchantments, “stolen” status, leveled variants, and much more.
  • Corrected the game’s color by reducing saturation. The bright colors will no longer set fire to your eyes. Here’s a comparison:

Sorry for the long wait! I’m still working on Shard Seekers full time (since 2016), but these new systems take a long time to develop. It’s important to me that everything is designed well, so I’ve been refactoring various other systems too. My partner also had a baby last month and I took some time off. Everything is well!

Update 2021/03/12

:gear: Settings overhaul!
:sunflower: Added new flowers!

  • Settings now save!
  • The language setting now has a usable dropdown menu!
  • Added Russian, Indonesian, Italian, and emoji language options.
  • The “Send Ride Request” button goes away if the player has it turned off in their settings.
  • The “Object Distance” setting now affects map load distance and character load distance! Max it out to see the entire world, or set it to 1 to completely remove lag.
  • The max “Object Distance” setting no longer loads trees at insane detail levels, so it should be less laggy.
  • “Weather Quality” and “Character Quality” settings are replaced by an “Animation Quality” setting. It also includes shards, trees etc.
  • Character animations are now significantly smoother for distant characters when the “Animation Quality” setting is maxed.
  • There’s now an [Auto] setting for “Object Distance” / “Animation Quality”. It’s currently based on your screen resolution.
  • Cinematic mode now hides the bonus shard meter.
  • Made some small UX changes. (Scrollbars are thinner and text is changed in some places.)
  • Added a home area test prototype in Bubblebrooke. I left it in for fun, as it currently just hides characters/chat.

Update 2021/02/19

:mountain: Small environment update.

  • Added rocks, dandelions, ivy, and seaweed.
  • Added cinematic mode in settings.
  • Updated the player name format to use “@”. “@” is no longer allowed in character names or descriptions.
  • You can fit more emojis in character names/descriptions (before they would count as more than one character in some cases.)
  • Removed the identical adjacent character limit from character names/descriptions (would previously convert “aaaaa” → “aaa”.)
  • Updated the character spawner to detect where the ground is to prevent spawning above or below ground.

Update 2021/02/12

:evergreen_tree: The tents are back from the old map!

  • Added classic models: Tents, beds, dressers, pet bed mats, and coral.
  • Added realistic environment models: Skyhold towers, pine trees, pine stumps/logs/roots, mushroom trees, ferns, bushes, and grass.
  • Shard and tree animations are now much smoother. It throttles automatically so this won’t cause lag.
  • Fixed the thunder sound effect during storms. (Nobody knew this was broken.)
  • Rain is quieter and more likely to subside/fluctuate throughout rainy days.
  • Fixed the animation on the old trees. (The new trees aren’t animated yet.)
  • Ice dragons now use the correct mesh on mobile. You need to update your app if it doesn’t appear.

Update 2021/02/06

:snowflake: The new ice dragon is out!

  • You may need to update your Roblox app to see the ice dragon. This is due to a Roblox bug.
  • Added bow and afraid emotes to ice and forest dragons. Eat/drink emotes now have sound. The emote buttons are more compact.
  • New dragon sounds! Most animals have changed or updated sounds. Some of them play after running, or when attacking/emoting.
  • Added 7 new atmospheric nature sound loops. They are longer and more detailed than before. Rain effects have reduced volume.
  • New shard collection sound. Added a soft grass footstep sound for barefoot characters and small animals.
  • Barrels and crates now open further so small animals are less likely to get stuck inside. There are now large crates you can find.
  • You can now sell duplicate characters regardless of age. You can temporarily sell horses regardless of breed.
  • Fixed a bug where unfavoriting a character wouldn’t always save.

Update 2021/01/29

:dragon_face: Forest dragon animation update!

  • The forest dragon has completely new animations, more emotes, and more options!
  • Walk speed is now 25% of the run speed instead of 33%.
  • Shard collection animation is smoother for other players.
  • Small performance improvements for characters.

Update 2021/01/22

:star: Interface improvement update!

  • Added character favoriting! Favorite characters show up at the top of the list.
  • The character menu no longer sorts characters with names in front of ones without names.
  • Improved tab arrangement and updated some of the icons. The shard counter is now built in to the shop tab.
  • Changed the shard menu colors, and changed the player list buttons to use images instead of emojis.
  • You now get notifications while the chat tab is closed. There are 3 kinds: Friend message (blue), player message (orange), and private message (envelope.) The first message from a friend might show up as an orange icon if it hasn’t loaded.
  • The chat tab starts closed for simplicity.
  • Character Quality now starts at 75% on mobile. The game now relies more on automatic throttling to prevent animation lag.
  • Fixed walking up stairs, and fixed walking upside-down for bats, butterflies, and mice.
  • Fixed a bug where you would always go to Bubblebrooke if you fast traveled after clicking a location label.

Update 2021/01/15

:rabbit2: Character menu update!

  • Everyone now starts with a free baby rabbit character!
  • The pets and characters tabs are now merged into one. This is to improve the experience for new players, and make room for more future tabs.
  • You can now sell characters if you have duplicates of the same age and breed. Humanoid age is ignored when checking for duplicates.
  • You can now delete locked characters.
  • New icons for the character menu.
  • Foxes have new eye colors. Foxes and tigers no longer have a dark texture option.
  • You can now spawn humanoids as followers, and followers will walk alongside you instead of behind. I have plans to restrict followers to your player home area in the future.
  • Touch-to-collect is removed for shards. This is to help mounts who are trying to get the bonus but can’t see the shard they collected.
  • The default human character now starts as teen instead of adult.
  • Fixed walking along the main coastline, and you no longer glitch up steep inclines.

Update 2021/01/08

Just a small update. I’m working on long-term updates like skills and age progression, which will hopefully be ready later this year. The Ice Dragon remodel should be ready in February.

  • :speech_balloon: Chat name formatting is more minimal now.
  • The game supports different sized versions of the same tree model (added Monday.)
  • Fixed an error caused by the 2017 speech system firing speech events if you attack an NPC even though the sounds are disabled.
  • Improved performance by switching to the newer Raycast method.

Update 2021/01/01
  • :snowflake: Added a new hangout area in the ice caves north of Bubblebrooke! You can hear the new winter music theme there during the day.
  • Doubled the player load distance on the map.
  • Made some changes to the area around Winter Hollow.
  • Added crates in various locations. They’re turned upside-down so they work as homes for tiny characters.
  • Fixed the location names in on the map.
  • New data format for character armatures. This improves performance when new character types are loaded.

Update 2020/12/24
  • :deciduous_tree: The Forest Dragon is finally remodeled! This update is free and applies to all forest dragons automatically.
  • The forest dragon also has new roar sounds.
  • More emotes are planned in the future.
  • Added new song that plays in Winter Hollow. Also fixed a problem where the Skyhold theme would play randomly at midday.
  • Camera zoom distance has been adjusted for sun dragons.
  • The terrain now uses MeshParts instead of WedgeParts to reduce the number of terrain triangles by 75%. (It would be 87.5% if I didn’t need to add a zero-size triangle to get the bounding box right.)

Update 2020/12/18
  • :evergreen_tree: Added Elven Forest as a fast travel location. There’s now lanterns, a lake, and secret tunnels to explore.
  • :waning_gibbous_moon: There’s a new moon texture.
  • Added a few new ponds and caves around Bubblebrooke.
  • Fixed some of the roads on the outskirts of the map.
  • Fixed a problem where the character wouldn’t save if you selected a different character before closing the menu.
  • Added character names to the character list. Characters with names show up at the top of the list.
  • All character icons now use the character graphics instead of a generated image.
  • The mount button is removed from the character editor.

Update 2020/12/14
  • Nearly all animal prices are reduced!
  • Introduced a refund feature for prices that reduced. If you bought something before its price decreased, you can claim 100% of the extra shards you spent on up to 5 animals! Make sure to claim the ones that give the most! If there is no refund button, then the price was unchanged.
  • Fixed a LOD system typo that caused chunks to update every frame. This should reduce lag.

Update 2020/12/08
  • Fixed trees that were hovering above the ground.
  • Fixed a terrain memory leak that caused lag over time.

Update 2020/12/04
  • Big Bubblebrooke map update! There’s now a park with a pond and a few secrets. (It’s no longer a barren wasteland.)
  • The day/night cycle is 40 minutes long now (previously 24 minutes.) Enjoy the long sunsets :city_sunset:
  • Added a confirm prompt when you try to buy a character, which should help prevent accidental purchases.

Update 2020/11/20
  • The flight animation now works as expected for both small and large sun dragons.

Update 2020/11/13
  • Mounts now get bonus shards when they help a rider collect shards! When the meter fills up you get 25% of the shards you helped collect! This only works if the rider is a different player.
  • New streaming system for character positions. Fixes the jittery flight glitch for riders, and increases the send rate for neck rotation and character positions so everything should feel more responsive.
  • Fixed the hair animation, as well as a few very rare animation edge case glitches that would happen during the last frame of attack animations.

Update 2020/11/03
  • Removed the complex cat eye color logic, and replaced it with a large range of colors.
  • Added a newborn dragon age.
  • Unlocked slit pupils for baby raptors.
  • Removed the horn/face horn type constraints on old dragon models.

Update 2020/10/30
  • Added the new sun dragon!