Sharing Variables Between Scripts and Updating Them

For the first part, I’m simply trying to share a variable between a local and server script. The local script creates the variable, and then later on the server script has to use the variable. I’m not 100% sure on how to do this, so any help with this would be great.

I’m specifically trying to share the targetHum variable at the bottom of the local with the targetHum at the bottom of the server.

(By the way, the local fires a remote event to trigger the server script)


local aimFunction = mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
	if tool.Parent == game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name) then 
		if mouse.Target ~= nil then
			local target = mouse.Target.Parent
			local playerTargetRoot = target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") 
			if target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then 
				if aiming == false then 
					local targetDistance = (playerTargetRoot.Position - playerRoot.Position).Magnitude
					if distance <= range then 
						local targetHum = target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") 


		if currentAmmo > 0 then 
			for i = 1, volley do 
				if currentAmmo > 0 then 
					flash.Enabled = true
					dust.Enabled = true
					smoke.Enabled = true
					flash.Enabled = false
					dust.Enabled = false
					smoke.Enabled = false
					currentAmmo = currentAmmo - 1 
					targetHum.Health = targetHum.Health - damage 

Secondly, I’d like the targetHum and playerTargetRoot variable to update every time the aimFunction is ran. For a bit of context, this is a weapons script (obviously) and the player locks onto the target that they click on. Since the targetHum variable is already in the function, I’d expect it to update each time, but it simply doesn’t.

Help with either of these issues would be greatly appreciated!


Trying to share the targetHum variable between both scripts, while also updating the parent variable (playerTargetRoot) each time the function is ran.

You would use the remote event and pass arguments with it to update a server side variable.
Just remember the player that fired the remote is added as the first arg when it reaches the server.
It’s the same from server to client but without a player arg added.
Search the documentation for remote events and there are examples provided.
If you need to reuse the variable in other functions make sure it is declared outside of any functions and youve set up event listeners to update them.