Shenobli Admin WIP (Feedback)

I am making an admin script for a group.
Right now it’s still a WIP, adding more commands making the gui’s better and working on the flying.
Right now I need suggestions for commands and some feedback.


In my eyes what makes an Admin script good is determined by how modular it is. Allowing users to customize it to suit their game best. Most admins achieve that by having a long list of settings you can toggle on and off as well as the use of Plugins and themes. Commands wise you seem to have the basics any admin system should have, maybe some sort of logging system to view Command logs and moderation logs?

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Nice, though I don’t really like the announcement UI. Mind changing it?

I recommend you adding some common commands such as ban, walkspeed/ jumppower changing, respawn character, teleport etc.

Good luck!

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Got ban, walkspeed and jumpower changing. I’m adding teleport and I might add respawn character.
I’m not much of a UI designer right now it’s just a placeholder

I was thinking of adding maybe a discord logging system (for admin commands such as ban or kick) and an in-game one for normal user commands.
I am, in the future, going to add the ability to add your own commands via a module script.
I am also going to add a setting module script to toggle certain commands on/off and change the rank requirements for certain permissions, the way I do it currently is having a group rank (or ranks) to have roles.
So I believe 5-7 is mod, etc ,etc
Right nw this is actually for a bakery, but I was thinking of making one simmilar and open-sourcing it.

Hey! The UI looks amazing, and I really like the announcement window. However, it would be nice if you change the position for the prefix. It is kind of troublesome to see it behind a relatively big hat.
Also, I would make the warning prefixes visible only to moderators/administrators.
Good luck on your project!

Thanks, I’ll take it all into consideration.
For hats I’m probably going to do it so it checks if you have a hat then if you do it sets the GUI according to the size.

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Never log stuff in Discord. Your webhook will get deleted if you sent too much.

Alternatively, try Trello! It’s free and very popular.

Admin Commands such as !kick and !ban wont be used very often so I doubt it’d pass discords rate limit.
Trello isnt the best for what I’m looking for atm but thanks for the suggestion.

Looks good, the UI Design could use some work though.

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I think the guy im making it for is hiring a UI Designer

Did you create the fly from scratch?

Not sure if it’s just me but the announcement video seems to have a moment towards the end where it stops and then snaps into the center position, not sure if that is intentional or not but I feel like it’d be better if it were smoother.

I did, fly isn’t that hard. I think its only 100 something lines.

I’m working on it being smoother, it’s really just the timing because its snapping when I parent it to the frame (Since I’m allowing it to have multiple announcements at once I’m ui a UI Grid Layout as to avoid annoying positioning) So I just need to work on the timing.

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