Shift lock camera system (help)

Hello! I’m making a game that requires this, the best way to use the guns and everything is when you turn on shift lock so i really need a custom shift lock system that can switch sides as well example : alt (left/right) like switching camera sides to left and right in a key bind while having shift lock camera mode on , if you have something like this please share! Thank you.

This isn’t a place for people to just give out scripts (Unless they’re open source). Try to learn from tutorials or try to make it yourself.

“This isn’t a place for people to just give out scripts” but then you say " (Unless they’re open source)." Hmm kinda confusing you don’t even know what you’re talking about. I’m asking for help not a complete script.


A nice way to change a camera’s property is to fiddle with it’s manipulation. Hope this helps!

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Yes, this is a great source and is great help, thank you.

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If it helps and works, be sure to label it as a solution!