Shifting Leaves on Trees, Flowers, and Bushes with minimal lag


I was wondering if anyone had any fun tricks and tips to make these leaves bushes and flower shimmer in what appears to be wind (doesn’t have to be specific wind just the the leaves and stuff will give the effect), but to keep it from lagging.

I mean. I’ve seen, and experimented with resisizing loops and, but that creates SOO much lag, especially in a full forest.

Maybe if I could learn how the roblox grass does it without creating lag I can simulate that in the tree’s leaves.

Originally when I bought these assets, I was messing around with them in unreal engine, and there are mechanics for wind and leaf shimmering in that engine that really didn’t cause any lag or use any loops.

Will this be more practical if I waited for the mesh deformation stuff to come out? My thinking would be that mesh deformation could really simulate it… but i’m unsure of that.

I’ve looked at old posts about wind simulation, but they’re really irrelevant now.
Does anyone have any thoughts?

Do it client-side and only for a small radius around the player.

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So the loop would only work if in a radius around the player?

Yes. Put a local script in each tree that runs the loop if the player is near.

Or put a local script in the player that moves trees that are only in proximity to the player.

Or for even more optimization only make it render movements on trees that are in view of the players’ camera.

Those tree models look great, by the way.

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That seems more likely. I’m probs gonna do it modularly