Note: This is in an extremely early stage and is by no means finalized.
Welcome to ShinePhone! (RoPhone) This project is one dedicated to bringing a life-like phone design and function into ROBLOX. ShinePhone was built to connect to the future of Universe, a built-from-the-ground-up system of modules working together to form a remarkable ecosystem packed full of features. Notable features of RoPhone include:
- Easy app creation - Create apps with ease, making use of our prebuilt app functions
- Custom app grid - Custom grid system allowing for future re-arranging of apps
- Spring animations - All animations make use of a custom spring module, Spr
- Island Bar - Designed to display notification events, media playing, timers, etc.
- Plus many more unique and useful features!
This project was developed off of the suggestions and criticism from our old post, CreativeOS. Our past system has been taken off the market and discontinued completely, but has helped in making this project better and much more stable.
This system was developed to allow for multiple uses in development. Our extensive, easy-to-use API offers seamless development with our system.
GitHub repo linked and maintained using the GitSync plugin.
All current features are able to be tested in our test experience:
Here is a video showcase of everything available so far. More to come…
Coming Soon?
Lockscreen - Set passwords, pins, and patterns to unlock your phone
DeviceLink - Increase player engagement with DeviceLink. DeviceLink will allow future devices access information from the user’s main device. This can include speakers, watches, computers, etc. DeviceLink also allows players to request and send information between each other, such as images, location, etc.
Homescreen App Folders - Create folders of apps on your homescreen
Widgets - Something not seen in a ROBLOX phone yet, custom app widgets will be coming soon. Select and move widgets anywhere on your homescreen to display custom app data. Custom apps can also have widgets.
App Studio - A plugin that allows for smoother and simpler app/widget creation
Notification Center - View all unread notifications. Toggleable app dots are included
Control Center - A place where all of the controls and settings are located. DeviceLink will also be built into this menu
Search - Search the entire device for a specific term
RoTunes - A default music app for the device (necessary for future speaker devices)
Messages - A default messaging app between players
Draggable Device - Be able to drag the device anywhere on the screen
Special Thanks
This project would likely be a lot harder without the help of these individuals.
- Features & Snippets - @TheRealANDRO
- Kindness & API Suggestions - @https_KingPie
- GitHub Suggestions & Criticism - @mapleflavouredk9
- Inspiration & Competition - @CryBlanka
- Spr Module - @Fractality
- GitSync Plugin - @Roller_Bott
Once again, this project is in early stages and bugs are guaranteed. This project is supposed to be as clean and easy as possible to use. The API was specifically designed to be developer-friendly and contain as many useful features as possible for a high level of customizability. Thank you to everyone who has helped along the way. Constructive criticism is highly requested, so feel free to give us your suggestions!