Ship and Cathedral (done in 3 hours total!)

We decided to hop onto MP Studio to whip up something quick for my game as a source of fast-travel to different places. We decided a ship is the ideal setting. So for 30 minutes straight- no breaks- just me and him, cframing away at our disposal, came up with this: how’ ya think? I think it looks good and I guess that’s what matters. The more important part is how we even cframe this all in a mere half hour.

*notice: motivation came from Maelstronomer’s Pilgrim Islands’ ships (we didn’t copy, we swear!)

This was the game that this ship is intended to star in.

The Cathedral that took 2.5 hours with my friend:

Pretty cool, love it combined with the sky box. Put a nice dragon head in the front and you got a viking ship : D.

Hey, also, how reliable/good is that MP Studio plugin. And how hard is it to set up? I’ve been wanting to use it. How does the saving work? I’ve gotten so used to ctrl+s ing all the time to save my place in case I encounter one of those frequent studio crashes.

[quote] Pretty cool, love it combined with the sky box. Put a nice dragon head in the front and you got a viking ship : D.

Hey, also, how reliable/good is that MP Studio plugin. And how hard is it to set up? I’ve been wanting to use it. How does the saving work? I’ve gotten so used to ctrl+s ing all the time to save my place in case I encounter one of those frequent studio crashes. [/quote]

The MP studio plugin is essentially useless if you don’t have a VPN connecting you and the people you want to play with.

[quote] Pretty cool, love it combined with the sky box. Put a nice dragon head in the front and you got a viking ship : D.

Hey, also, how reliable/good is that MP Studio plugin. And how hard is it to set up? I’ve been wanting to use it. How does the saving work? I’ve gotten so used to ctrl+s ing all the time to save my place in case I encounter one of those frequent studio crashes. [/quote]


As for the MP Studio, it isn’t as hard as I thought it would be to set up. Like FiniteReality said, you will need a VPN to use it which you can easily achieve by using Hamachi or Tunngle (what I use). I’ve had successfully connected 8 of my friends working together doing this and it was LOTS of fun! (waaaay better than single developing haha). Saving works the normal way- spam Ctrl+S every 2 seconds. Downside is- the users connecting to the host of the server must have plugins that can copy and delete because they won’t have the same permissions as a normal owner of the place could.

Inspire random people: check :>

My boats? I updated them July 6 to look like this, did you know? Also wood planks don’t show up well from more than 10 studs away… Reminds me of rust or something. Maybe it’s my studio settings?

Edit: Forced anti-aliasing on:

Looks very neat. It’s interesting to think that if you can do that in 30 minutes, what could you do in a week?
And the lighting and skybox really add nicely to it.

EGO, they hired you in the wrong department. You should be in marketing.

<<Test Boat Hull, Do Not Thank>>

Took me only 10 minutes to make using the new plugins. You can get it here:

[quote] <<Test Boat Hull, Do Not Thank>>

Took me only 10 minutes to make using the new plugins. You can get it here: [/quote]

Dammit EGO really after what I just said?

…or is this just a surrendered acknowledgement?

Gotta do what I’ve gotta do. No point in making high quality plugins if no-one knows about them.

Oh EGO. :stuck_out_tongue:
We should hang out sometime. Like old times.

Wow, I keep my eyes off this thread for a day and there was many replies! Thanks to those who complimented!

[quote] -snip-

May I introduce you to These awesome plugins that I just made that solve exactly that sort of case:

-snip [/quote]

I actually came back to show you guys a bit more creations we did. I’ve actually stumbled across that thread before I made this thread and used your gap fill tool! Today, my same friend and I went back on MP studio and this took us about- roughly 45 minutes (still 20% incomplete). It’s really helpful! Here’s the work and a good example of your gap-fill tool we used (shown in the corners of the pillars)

EDIT: Finished ceiling using your gap fill.

Also, this wasn’t an error. It was built in a way to simulate actual planks (as the pattern is built with planks itself). From the way I took screenshots, I may look like I tried to fill in gaps, but in reality it is just this:

Inspire random people: check :>

My boats? I updated them July 6 to look like this, did you know? Also wood planks don’t show up well from more than 10 studs away… Reminds me of rust or something. Maybe it’s my studio settings? [/quote]

Yes, we did! It looks awesome! It was those boats that inspired us! :>

[quote] Looks very neat. It’s interesting to think that if you can do that in 30 minutes, what could you do in a week?
And the lighting and skybox really add nicely to it. [/quote]

Thanks. What can I do in a week? I can make a whole place playable and make it pretty- and then abandon it cause I lose all motivation to continue it. :X

Hey guys, I’m back to say that me and my friend finished the Cathedral (shown on my last post) designed for my RPG game. Unlike my ship, this proved to be much more complicated. Approx. 2.5 hours is spent here. Here are a couple of screenies proving so:

Nice! Really awesome stuff, especially considering the time it took to create those two things. As CyberDennis mentioned, the lighting and skybox makes the ship look really nice. The cathedral also has good lighting (I love how the windows have their own personal light rays). Also nice how the cathedral windows use different decals to make the imperfect hexagon patterns. Both of the builds you two made should look quite nice inside the game.

By the way, how did you and your friend work together on this? That multi-studio plugin, or some other means? And what tools/plugins were used to make all of this?

[quote] Nice! Really awesome stuff, especially considering the time it took to create those two things. As CyberDennis mentioned, the lighting and skybox makes the ship look really nice. The cathedral also has good lighting (I love how the windows have their own personal light rays). Also nice how the cathedral windows use different decals to make the imperfect hexagon patterns. Both of the builds you two made should look quite nice inside the game.

By the way, how did you and your friend work together on this? That multi-studio plugin, or some other means? And what tools/plugins were used to make all of this? [/quote]

As I said on the first post, we used MP studio.

Plugins used:
Volumetic Light