What do you want to achieve?
For the shirt and pants to appear.
What is the issue?
The shirt and pants just completely disappear.
What solutions have you tried so far?
There isn’t any documented issue on loading errors with shirts and pants.
-- This is a snippet of the code, It returns the required IDs. This is most likely some loading error.
RequestFor:FindFirstChildOfClass("Shirt").ShirtTemplate = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..Module.Regiment55thFoot.CompanyShirts[RequestFor:GetAttribute("CompanyID")][NextRankNum]
RequestFor:FindFirstChildOfClass("Pants").PantsTemplate = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..Module.Regiment55thFoot.CompanyPants[RequestFor:GetAttribute("CompanyID")][NextRankNum]
It loads everything normally - when I trigger the shirt and pants change, it’s clothes just disappear. This is both client and server, and both studio and ROBLOX Client
The trigger is causes by a huge amount of other code, I’ve tested it, and it appears it’s some loading issue.
Yes, this is done correctly, I’ve even tried deleting and remaking new objects, unless I’ve missed a step.