Shirt looks weird on different models


I’ve been working hard on designing a shirt, but it looks quite blurry not to mention it looks bad on other models. As you can see in the picture, the less-blocky model has a black collar. Anyway I can fix this?

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Shirts only fit on the items they are designed for. The shirt template provided by Roblox is only for the block character.
It fits on Meshes like the RH body by wrapping around the mesh. You won’t get a perfect fit when you use different meshes with that template. You’ll probably have to create a texture to wrap around the mesh properly if you want it to fit correctly.


Oof, that’s annoying. I did see other shirts that managed to fit perfectly around both models for some reason.

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This issue does not seem like what @Scottifly has written about, it seems like you have a black texture somewhere you shouldn’t, could you provide your template?

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It looks like the ‘top’ face of the R6 torso is actually black which may be why the angled neck faces turn black due to the texture alignment to the other avatar.

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Don’t think so, as you can see the skin color of the R6 model here,
and that skin texture is not in the clothing as on the other model you can see that it is red, meaning it is transparent, could have something to do with their template, I doubt it has any issues to do with the model though. I could not reproduce this using a similar template.