Shirt not Uploading

So I tried uploading a shirt that I made for my sister, but it just says UPLOAD FAILED.
I worked really hard on it and im hoping that it can be uploaded.
Here is the shirt:
I have uploaded many shirts like this and they all worked, so I don’t know why the most special one isn’t


Most likely it’s just Roblox being weird. People have experienced this before so try refreshing and giving it some time. If still not working, there’s a chance that the size of the shirt might of grown/shrunk by a few pixels when exporting the final image. If the scale of it is correct, then it could be your internet. Hope this helps (:

Love the shirt btw ^^


Ok, I will wait because I have refreshed the page 3 times.


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Hmm, I woke up the next morning, and it’s still not working :confused:

Check your image sizes mate. maybe that’s the problem or devforum just messed up the image that i downloaded.
The shirt image size should be - 585 pixels wide and 559 pixels tall

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Lol how do I make it that size?

So I realized I used the old template, and weirdly, I always make my shirts on the new pants template, so I remade the shirt on the pants template, and it worked!