Shirt on viewmodel not working?

Hey, im making a viewmodel for my horror game, the thing is that, i want the player’s shirt to be put on the viewmodel, but for some reason, it does not work?

		local shirt = c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Shirt")
		local copyShirt = shirt:Clone()
		copyShirt.Parent = script.Parent

(The script is located on the viewmodel and is a ServerScript)



Try to wait for character to be a part of workspace before trying.

repeat task.wait() until character.Parent

My ViewModel is in Replicated Storage, but for some reason when is in Workspace, it works, but when is in Replicated Storage, it does not work…

Then just parent the viewModel to workspace before putting on the shirt & pants? :slight_smile:

real. thanks lol

So, i tried that, but it only works when is in workspace…

In workspace:

in ReplicatedStorage (after moving the viewmodel to rs)


script.Parent.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage


Can you try to explain your whole process, so I have a better understanding on what you’re doing?

I’m confused. Why don’t you just add the Shirt in the LocalScript that parents the ViewModel to workspace?

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Wait()
local ViewModel =

-- .... Wherever you parent the ViewModel to workspace
local ClonedViewModel = ViewModel:Clone()
local Shirt = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Shirt")
if (Shirt ~= nil) then Shirt:Clone().Parent = ClonedViewModel end
ClonedViewModel.Parent = workspace