Shirts and Pants UV mapping

Since I’m using this in my future game and its been extremely helpful for making puesdo characters, I thought I’ll share it with you.

local Left_LegArm_UV = { -- Offset, Size
	-- Back
	440, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Front
	308, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Left
	374, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Right
	506, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Top
	308, 289,
	64, 64,
	-- Bottom
	308, 485,
	64, 64,

local Right_LegArm_UV = { -- Offset, Size
	-- Back
	85, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Front 
	217, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Left
	19, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Right
	151, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Top
	217, 289,
	64, 64,
	-- Bottom
	217, 485,
	64, 64,

local Right_LegArm_UV = { -- Offset, Size
	-- Back
	85, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Front 
	217, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Left
	19, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Right
	151, 355,
	64, 128,
	-- Top
	217, 289,
	64, 64,
	-- Bottom
	217, 485,
	64, 64,

local Torso_UV = { -- Offset, Size
	-- Back
	427, 74,
	128, 128,
	-- Front 
	231, 74,
	128, 128,
	-- Left 
	361, 74,
	64, 128,
	-- Right
	165, 74,
	64, 128,
	-- Top 
	231, 8,
	128, 64,
	-- Bottom
	231, 204,
	128, 64,	
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“Pseudo* characters” I assume you mean ones without Humanoids, which means ones without shirts/pants, which makes me assume you’re using Surface GUIs. If you are, did you get around this bug?

Mostly. Its not as big as that,almost unnoticeable… You did turn the BoarderPixels to 0 right?

Yeah – there aren’t any borders on that. Size is also (1,0,1,0). That black you see there is the gap caused by ROBLOX not placing the surface guis directly on the part – they’re offset from each face like 0.01 or something.

Have you tried Ardoore-(however it’s spelt)-ing it the part?

Pics. Now.

Me give tomorrow, on mobile now.

Clothing is completely done with SurfaceGui’s.

the lines THE LINES

How the hell, explain the process? No idea how you did this, is there some new feature on Surface GUIs?

It’s on ImageLabels/Buttons – we’ve had it for a while now. Called ImageRectSize and ImageRectOffset.

Exactly, simple to use.

Lines? eh, barely visible to me. (Yours look 10x worst)

Those properties make no sense to me. I think they’re supposed to crop and position a picture, but all they do whenever I adjust them is stretch and malform the picture. Guess it’ll come when I need em’

Are you using SurfaceGui’s for every side of a brick? I thought you were using some crazy magic and somehow using 1 surfacegui to render 3D images around a body.

(I don’t know what UV Mapping is, maybe this is why I’m amazed)

UV mapping is a fancy term – ignore it.

"Lines? eh, barely visible to me. (Yours look 10x worst) "
Well, that part is sized (0.2,0.2,20), so I had to zoom in a bunch. If I was zoomed out as far as you, I wouldn’t be able to see them really either – they’d just look like outlines.

[quote] UV mapping is a fancy term – ignore it.

"Lines? eh, barely visible to me. (Yours look 10x worst) "
Well, that part is sized (0.2,0.2,20), so I had to zoom in a bunch. If I was zoomed out as far as you, I wouldn’t be able to see them really either – they’d just look like outlines. [/quote]

Ah… well I don’t mind them.

This is a big problem:

External Media

External Media

SurfaceGUIs aren’t shaded (not affected by brightness/darkness). You might want to consider this if you’re doing a horror game.

I love how they’re not shaded, because it makes for awesome glowing scopes on guns :smiley:

[quote] This is a big problem:

External Media

External Media

SurfaceGUIs aren’t shaded (not affected by brightness/darkness). You might want to consider this if you’re doing a horror game. [/quote]

squints eyes

What the fluff…

k plan b, use crappy roblox shirt objects and do not have awesome looking characters.

Using this for my new game that involves multiple layers of clothing :smiley:

And creepy glowing eyes.