Shirts not Applying from Script

Here’s my code:

local shirtID = script:GetAttribute("ShirtID")
local pantsID = script:GetAttribute("PantsID")
local function onJoin(plr) -- player joins
	print("plr joined")
	plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) -- character loads
		char:WaitForChild("Shirt").ShirtTemplate = shirtID
		char:WaitForChild("Pants").PantsTemplate = pantsID

I’m trying to apply a different shirt and pants to each players’ character. When I check in the explorer, the ID is set for both the pants and shirt but it doesn’t actually update visually; it only does so when I re-enter it manually. How do I fix this? There were no errors.

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Only thing I can think of is that you didn’t add "rbxassetid://" to the shirt and pants ID

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I tried that too; and it did not work.

Well if none of that works you can always just use InsertService

LoadAsset function should be sufficient if you just pass through the ID

local InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService")

function LoadAsset(Id)
	local Success, Result = pcall(function()
		return InsertService:LoadAsset(Id)
	if Success then
		local Asset = Result:GetChildren()[1] --It comes in a model so just get the first child which should be the shirt or pants
		return Asset
		return "Failed" --Consider retrying

local Result = LoadAsset(ShirtId)
if typeof(Result) == "string" then
	--Consider retrying
	--It successfuly loaded do what you want with it!

How would I apply the loaded shirtid to the character once it is successfully loaded?

Try changing it to this instead:

local shirtID = script:GetAttribute("ShirtID")
local pantsID = script:GetAttribute("PantsID")
local Character = nil

     if Player.Character ~= nil then
     Character = Player.Character
     if Character ~= nil and Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Shirt") and Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Pants") then
        local Shirt = Character.Shirt
        local Pants = Character.Pants
       Shirt.ShirtTemplate = ShirtID
       Pants.PantsTemplace = PantsID

Nevermind, I just had to set the result’s parent as the character.

I know this is already solved and all, but I’m pretty sure this happened because the roblox character loads before the shirt and pants are applied by script, and sometimes scripts can beat the default scripts in efficiency, but it’s so minuscule that it’s hard to see.
So instead of using plr.CharacterAdded

Use Player.CharacterApperanceLoaded, this event will prevent that, if you want to do it in less lines.

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