Shoes accessories don't work properly

Hello fellow devs!

Hello fellow devs!

Currently I am developing a pair of sandals as shoes accessories.
I named one accessory for right foot as “ZouriRight”,
while another accessory for left foot as “ZouriRight”,
and set the accessory types as Right Shoe, Left Shoe respectively.

When I test to wear them in a game,
I can wear only one shoe and it doesn’t follow my foot properly
(as you can see it in the second pic).

The folder hierarchy is as follows:

I don’t know why I can wear only one shoe and cannot wear both.
Also I want the shoes follow my foot more precisely.

I will appreciate if someone help me!

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is this a typo in your post orrr something to do with it

have you tried moving the attahcments


what type of accessories did you make them as? (head, hat, collar, shoulder, etc)

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Thank you for your reply.

is this a typo in your post orrr something to do with it
yes, it is typo.

I named one accessory for right foot as “ZouriRight”,
while another accessory for left foot as “ZouriLeft”,

I tried to move the attachments but the sandal still a bit far from the foot.
This is maybe because I set “CanCollide” as “True” for Handle.

Thank you for your replay.

I set the accessory type as “RightShoe” for ZouriRight and “LeftShoe” for ZouriLeft respectively.

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I think the issue may be because the right shoe and left shoe accessory types are reserved for layered clothing


are you’re shoes a layered clothing?

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No. my sandals are rigid mesh I made in Blender.

that may be why they arent working. Are you trying to upload theses to the catalog? or are they just for your game?

If they are just for your game, you could try welding them to the player’s feet.

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These are just for my game. OK, I will try welding and report the result.
Thanks for your help.

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