Note to self: Decide if Blox Legends Battlegrounds is a better name
Catch-up: Shogun Battlegrounds DevLog #2
It’s been pretty rough on our group. One of the artists wasn’t able to work for a while so I’m trying my luck at badge icons:
I know it looks horrible, it’s just a draft I’ll show the finished version when its done
My modeler (shoutout to @CJ2333T) and I are both working our ashes off trying to get our map to look good, and so far it’s, uh, pretty decent.
Feedback: Is the lighting good? How can we improve?
For a 14-day project, progress is pretty good
There’s really nothing much to show at the moment, I’ll make DevLog #4 (if there’ll even be one) in around a week when alpha testing is scheduled to hopefully release.
Lmk how to improve!