Shoot On Sight: Developer Log


JUNE 12TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.7.1]

– “Votekick” system has been implemented into the game. If someone disturbs the gameplay for other players in the server, you can opt to commence a votekick to elect to ban the player from your current server. To do this type a message starting with “;votekick”, followed by the exact username of the player you want removed from the server. Make sure the username is exact. THere must be at least 3 players in the server to commence a Votekick. Cannot initiate multiple Votekicks at a time. After commencing a Votekick there is a cooldown before you can commence another one, if you wish.
– Blacklist. Players who are reported to me and behavior is deemed unacceptable for the game, such has exploiting, will be place on the blacklist, permanently banning them from the game.
– New chat feature makes it harder to communicate with your squad as an Officer in a Thunderstorm.

– Fixed the amount donated section of the donations page not showing the correct amount of Robux which you donated to the developer.
– Opted for lower-poly bushes in the gorge by combined different sections of bushes into their own sections. This helps device performance while in or looking at the forest in the gorge.
– Defective arrows and grenades are deleted at the end of a round or after enough time has passed.
– Reuploaded nighttime gorge ambience because it was content deleted, unknown on my part.
– Fixed gun hit detection in tunnels.

– You are now unable to place traps near the entrance of the gorge as the Culprit.
– Crafting the Smoke Arrow Augment as the Culprit now requires 3 Aluminum and 3 charcoal, from 2 Aluminum and 2 Charcoal.
– Amount of grenades given to Officers during is now dependent on how many officers enter the gorge. Max amount is 10 for 1 Officer, while minimum amount is 5 for 5 Officers.
– Time cycle while holding CTRL is to adjust crouch state is increased from 0.1 seconds to 0.2 seconds.
– Fall damage is now client based, making it more consistent.

JUNE 4TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.6.6]

– Culprit Stand/Crouch spasm issue has been resolved. If the issue persists then please let me know immediately.
– Safety check added to match which assigns unique character IDs to players who share a character ID with another player in the game. This check should solve the issue of spawning into a match wearing another player’s outfit and/or spawning into the match as an officer which is already being used in the game. If this issue persists then please let me know immediately.

– The splash damage on the Culprit’s explosive bow augment has been increased from a max of 40 hitpoints to a max of 55 hitpoints.
– You can now place multiple tree based traps (Lasso and Wire) on the same trees ONLY in the lobby. This is to allow multiple players completing the tutorial portion of the game in the Trap Bunker to finish their tutorials faster.

MAY 28TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.6.3]

– Issue where players in lobby couldn’t spectate players in match has been resolved.
– Issue where some players wouldn’t be able to attach augments to their arrows has been resolved.
– Issue where the Culprit could cover himself in mud as remain invisible for the rest of the match has been resolved.
– Issue where round end fanfare music would play while the player was still in the tutorial or just joined the game, which tampered with the lobby music, has been resolved.
– Issue where match timer would show incorrect state of game after just joining the game has been resolved.

– Mud has been reworked. Now after covering yourself in mud as the Culprit, you’ll be partially invisible for a certain amount of time until it wears off. Moving around causes the invisibility effect to wear off faster.
– Added a 0.8 second cooldown which halts the Culprit from diving.
– Resources required for Claymore has been adjusted from 1 stone, 3 charcoal, and 3 aluminum, to 1 stone, 8 charcoal, and 8 aluminum.
– Resources required for Explosive Arrow has been adjusted from 1 arrow, 2 charcoal, and 2 aluminum, to 1 arrow, 6 charcoal, and 6 aluminum.
– Explosive arrow max splash damage reduced from 70 hitpoints to 40 hitpoints.


– First off, the BIG new feature are the LOBBY TRAINING GROUNDS! Now, while waiting for a match, you can practice and hone your skills in the training grounds, practicing various pieces technical work from the gameplay.
PARKOUR GARDEN: Practice your Culprit parkour here. Climb trees and walls, and leap from treetop to treetop.
DANGER ZONE: Take a bow or knife and indulge in target practice with the stationed targets and dummies. Attack from below, up close, or the treetops.
WRESTLE PIT: Face-Off against other players in the lobby. You’re score is tracked and will increase when you win a Face-Off. Resets when you’re knocked into the mud. Highest score on the mound is shown by a crown.
TRAP BUNKER: Inquire about all the traps you have unlocked a practice placing them inside the bunker. See their functionality featured as dummies activate them.
OFFICER SHOOTING RANGE: On the other side of the lobby is the shooting range. Here pick a gun from the ones you have unlocked and practice firing them among targets and Culprit dummies.
Give all these new areas a try. There’s always something to be done while you’re waiting. You can always improve your skills!
– New tutorial to go inline with the training grounds. New players will be more secured and comfortable and less overwhelmed upon their first time playing. It goes in depth through the basics, including every area of the training grounds. I recommend that all current players complete this new tutorial as well! You can try it out by clicking the “Replay Tutorial” button in your settings.
– New GFX art shown at the end of a match. A certain GFX will be shown depending on which team wins the game. GFX by Elliptxxx. Thank you.
– Upon opening crates, whatever you unbox is now displayed to the whole server through a server message so you can show off what you got!

– Sprinting and going prone as the Culprit has been adjusted. You can now hold ctrl down to go prone, or hold shift down to sprint from prone. This was done considering that most of the time you’ll either want to be standing or in prone, and it will help you switch between the two faster.
– There is now a short cooldown upon tapping shift and ctrl which halts you from making another crouch/sprint input.
– Another UI revamp, this time improving on other UIs.
– Server messages are a brighter color making them easier to see.
– Player messages are a more standout color, making them easier to see.
– Most gorge rocks which are unreachable have been merged into a single mesh. This is to improve game performance.
– Flashlight range on both pistol and rifle flashlight has been increased by 4 studs.
– The amount of stamina the Culprit consumes while diving has been increased by about 43%.
– Pre-game reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.
– Extra graphic designs added to climbable walls.

– Issue where officers would sometimes duplicate, assigning multiple players one officer character, along with the problem of players spawning in game wearing costumes of other players, have been identified and resolved.
– Issue where Officer hair or accessories would sometimes appear opaque on their player’s screen, obscuring their view, has been resolved.
– Issue where Culprit would not receive XP upon losing a round has been resolved.
– Other bugs fixed which are not mentioned here.

MAY 10TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.5.3]


– Both gun flashlights now turn on automatically after equipping, and can after be turned off by choice.
– The lasso of the vine trap has a bit of a more vibrant colour, making it a little easier to see.
– Grenades now destroy traps! Throw one and once it explodes it will demolish any traps in the area.
– Grenade detonation time has been reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
– Radar stud range has been decreased from 100 studs to 50 studs (30 meters to 15 meters).
– Radar cooldown has been increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds. Full rework for radar coming in the next update.
– Sounds have been added for when the Culprit is disguising himself in mud, and when he’s halted in a quick time event climbing a wall.
– The Culprit’s now dives lower to the ground. Before you would leap over officers when diving at them, but now you’ll tackle them square. When you do this you’ll be put into a face-off against them. A very optimal option if you are rushing the officer.
– The Culprit’s dive power has been increased by 33%.
– The Culprit’s energy consumption while diving has been increased by 57%.
– The Culprit’s fall damage reduction on rolling has been increased from 25% to 50%.
– The Culprit can now fire arrows through bushes and leaves.
– The knife has had a mega rework. Upon a thrown knife landing, it will now immediately drop to the ground, unless it has been thrown into the ground.
– Knife throw damage increased from 75 hitpoints to a full 100 hitpoints. It now instantly disposes any officer on contact. This will give you a compelling reason to throw your knife at an officer in battle when the option is present.


– Fall damage functionality adjusted to be more accurate and consistent.
– Workaround applied for players who had the issue of being stuck on a black screen before loading into the game. Let the developer know if the issue persists. Multiple workaround options are available.
– Added safety check to prevent Culprit players from being able to throw multiple knives if they have high game ping, with slow connection to the server.
– Fixed graphical issue against both descriptions of the trap shop menu and the guns shop menu where the text would be cut off if it were beyond a certain length.
– Fixed issue where the end game death card would appear on the screen despite not dying in the match.
– Fixed issue where the end game results card would not appear after finishing a round.
– Other technical patches not mentioned here.

MAY 4TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.5.2]


– Match time no longer defaults to 15 minutes. Now, match time is dependent on how many players are in the match. This way, rounds are correctly time scaled to appropriately fit the style of play corresponding to the number of players in the match. If there’s 1 officer in the game, the max length of the match is 5 minutes. If there’s 2 officers in the game, the max length of the match is 7.5 minutes. If there’s 3 officers in the game, the max length of the match is 10 minutes. If there’s 4 officers in the game, the max length of the match is 12.5 minutes. If there’s a full team of 5 officers in the game, the max length of the match is the full 15 minutes.
– The size Culprit’s Spike Trap along with its tripwire hitbox has been increased by 400%, enforcing a much larger activation hitbox.
– The size Culprit’s Vine Trap tripwire hitbox has been increased by 400%, enforcing a much larger activation hitbox.
– The size Culprit’s Wire Trap tripwire hitbox has been increased substantially. These changes were made to influence players playing as the Culprit to use their static traps more often on the large map with the now much higher success rate the new tripwire hitboxes will offer.
– The stretched out texture on the police bus has been repaired, and now looks normal, as it should.
– Many UI improvements were made to the match loading screen and match ending screen, improving quality of life, ultimately making a greater experience for you.
– A second main theme has been added to the game, and you’ll now here it consecutively with the first main theme in the lobby.


– As the Culprit, while placing a trap, there is now an outline around the trap you are placing and it’s tripwire hitbox. Accordingly, while placing a trap, you’ll see the outline of all the traps and tripwire hitboxes that you have already placed of that trap. This way you can most accurately place your traps exactly where and how you intend to place them, while being fully aware of the tripwire hitbox of the trap you are placing, as well as the location and tripwire hitboxes of all the other traps that you placed as well.

MAY 4TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.5.1] - BIG UPDATE!


– The Culprit has received a core gameplay addition: Instinct. Check the left side of your screen as the Culprit for your instinct level. As the round progresses, your instinct level will increase growing stronger and stronger the longer the match continues for. With your instincts, you have a certain range around you where you can detect any officer, and see exactly where they are in an outline. As your instinct grows stronger, you’ll become faster, stronger, and more agile. You’ll be able to trot, sprint, and climb faster. You’ll be able to jump higher. You’ll shoot arrows and throw knives faster, and be able to throw them further. And, most importantly, the range which you can detect officers will increase. Which starts off as a short range at the start of the round, will increase to nearly having coverage over the entire map, assuming you survive that long in a round. Officers; take out the Culprit as quickly as you can.
– New animations have been added to the game. The officer gun animations have been adjusted so that the arms of your officer will take up much less of your screen, leaving your screen more open, giving you a greater scope of visual sensory in the environment. Also added gun fire and reload animations for both pistol and rifle, and sitting animations in the bus.
– You can now view your costumes for both Culprit and Officer in the Lockers where two dummies, one for the Culprit and one for Officers, are poised, on which the corresponding costumes will be displayed.
– Many new voice lines, which I had stored away for later use, have all been added to the game in their fullest. There are many different voice lines and action sounds, and you’ll hear them throughout your time playing. Characters breath heavy when they’re low on stamina, grunt when they’re hurt, and the Culprit even makes noises when rolling and diving. The officers now communicate not only through text but voice also through their radios when spotting the Culprit or dealing damage to him with their weapons. As you make you’re way into the gorge as an Officer depending on who and how many officers are in the bus with you, the respective officers will chat with each other. Listen in on their conversations to get insight to each other their characters!
– Along with voice lines, captions for when the characters speak have also been added to the game. They will appear at the bottom of your screen when prompted to as said.
– Various settings have been added to the game, giving you the ability to further enhance your experience. Along with being able to adjust music volume, lobby display weapons, and gender, you can now adjust voice lines volume, toggle captions, and choose your preferred officer. If available, or if a player is occupying said preferred officer and they leave the game, you’ll be given the preferred officer you’ve chosen in your settings.
– Your name, levels, and current status are now displayed over your character’s head while you’re in the lobby.
– Upon joining the game you are taken to a loading screen where many essential assets are prompted to load into the game before you can play. Wait for the loading screen to finish loading all assets before you can play. Along with this comes a new title card screen, after the preloading is completed.

– Explosive arrows now only deal 100 damage on direct contact. Only partial damage will be dealt to those not hit but in the blast radius.
– Guns have been partially reworked to benefit consistency and the experience and gameplay of all players.
– Other adjustments not listed here.

– Added client sided cooldown to throwing grenades.
– Various patches made that are not listed.

FEBRUARY 6TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.4.3]

– Fixed issue where the Culprit would rise while placing down traps while crouching or in prone.
– Fixed issue where arrows fired in tunnels would collide with hitboxes that they shouldn’t have been able to collide with.
– Adjusted mud cloaking to function more consistently, and added mud texture to head and accessories.
– Added a temporary safety script to counter the “void glitch”, where players will randomly teleport out of the map to a void location.
– Some images now preload when loading into the game.

FEBRUARY 5TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.4.2]

– Fixed issue where a player’s base chaarcter in the lobby would be Zipperable instead of their own character!
– Fixed issue that locked Officer’s rifles.
– Fixed issue when purchasing Officer skins in the shop.


Big content update for the week of February 3rd, 2024!


– Introducing COSTUMES! You’re now able to customize your look beyond your weapons and change what your character is wearing before you head out into the gorge! The are 5 UNIQUE CULPRIT COSTUMES and 5 UNIQUE OFFICER COSTUMES that you can wear while playing! These costumes unlock progressively as you level up as the Culprit and Officer and are available to be purchased in the cosmetics tab in the shop where the weapon skins are.
– As per popular request, FEMALE OFFICERS have been added to the game. This option is for all the girls who want to play as girls! Before you head into the gorge, select your gender and you can either play as a male officer or the gender swapped version of them. And they come with their own original voice lines as well.
– The LOCKER ROOM has also been implemented into the game. It was hinted at before with the lockers area in the lobby, but there was no extra use for it besides sending you to the cosmetics shop. Now, you can enter the locker room to get an organized overview of EVERYTHING you own! You can view you guns, bows, knives, and costumes all in one place, and make sure you get the loadout you want with all the right cosmetics before you head into the gorge.


– I reworked the way clues are featured. I like the addition of clues but I also feel like it takes away from the true intent of this game, which is communicating and exploring, for simply looking for where the clues might be. That being said, I think they’re necessary sometimes. So, now clues will only spawn in game when there are one or two officers in match. With two officers there are 8 clues to collect until you discover the location of the culprit. With one officer there are 5 clues. In both variations there are also extra clues around the gorge.
– Turned under the bed in the cabin into a hiding place for the Culprit (have fun).
– Increased intermission time to 40 seconds. This is to give you some more time to spend in the lobby customizing your cosmetic loadouts as you may want to.


– Disabled water particle effects for better performance.
– Fixed lead attack bug that would lock and prevent guns from shooting, and prevent lead attacks.
– Fixed character information problem on leaving the game.
– Fixed issue where Two Minute Warning would not display all officers locations if an officer who died left the game.


Big content update for the week of January 27th, 2024!


– WEATHER has been added to the game. At the start of each round, there’s a chance you’ll arrive at the gorge in different conditions than usual. On average, you’ll still be getting the default more than the rest of the weather conditions. There are 5 different weather types you could play in:
CLEAR: The default. Clear skies and clear air.
CLOUDY: The sun is blotted out by cloudy skies. The gorge becomes a little bit darker than usual.
FOGGY: The air is filled with low riding clouds, making it impossible to see a great distance. Combat will have to be close quarters.
RAINY: A somewhat cloudy day with noisy rain pouring from the sky. It may be more difficult to hear your teammates.
THUNDERSTORM: The sun is blotted out by big clouds in the midst of strong winds, loud rain, and lightning in this dangerous storm. Communicating with your team and seeing a great distance are both difficult in these conditions. Consider playing in the thunderstorm HARD MODE.
– TIME OF DAY, has been added to the game. Along with weather, there’s a chance at the start of a round that you’ll arrive at the gorge at a different time of day. Depending on when you arrive, a special aura will be added to the map entailing colour adjustments of the sky, clouds, and air. Like weather, on average, you’ll be arriving at the gorge at the default time more than the other time of days. There are 5 time of days you can play a round in:
NOON: The default time of day. 12:00PM. The time of day where the sun shines the brightest and gives the easiest conditions.
EVENING: Later in the day after noon. The sky is a little less bright as the sun begins to set.
DUSK: The time of day where the sun sets, and the day becomes night. A golden aura illuminates the sky.
MIDNIGHT: The darkest time of the day. Almost pitch black. During the time, the Culprit will have NIGHT VISION so he can see clearly in the woods. The Officers are compensated with brighter flashlights. Use them. You’ll NEED them.
DAWN: The time of day where the sun rises, and night becomes day. A turquoise aura illuminates the sky.
– Along with this, a DAY-CYCLE has also been added to benefit the time of day addition. During a match, the day will progress 3 in game hours over the course of 15 minutes, changing the position of the sun and moon and gradually adjusting the lighting, shadows, and brightness of the map.
– There’s a new feature intended to benefit the flow of the game: CLUES. It seems that the Culprit has hidden clues far and wide all around the map. Collect 10 of these with your squad and you’ll DISCOVER THE LOCATION OF THE CULPRIT, and it will be PERMANITLY PINGED for the rest of the round, just as it is at the two minute warning. Clues are hidden everywhere so search every crevasse and good hiding place around the gorge that you can think of. There’s are also more than 10 hidden. Collecting clues also gives you XP and Cash. This feature is to prevent the Culprit from hiding out the whole game, and to keep the Culprit aware and on his feet, actively hunting the officers. It also gives the officers another task to do during a round and gives them more purpose in searching the entire map.
– Added a couple new sounds that play when an officer frees another out of a wire or vine trap.


– At the start of the round the amount of starting resources has been reduced by 75%. This change was made to better improve the performance of the game. More performance changes are coming in future updates. To compensate for this change each resource you collect will now give you 4 of that resource.
– The timer that sets off grenades is now accurate based off of the device of the player who threw the grenade. Once the timer countdown on their device ends (or the grenade is activated externally), it will explode.
– Fixed issue that allowed officers to move while freeing another officer.
– Fixed issue that allowed officers to move while refilling their ammo.
– Fixed issue that allowed the Culprit to move while applying mud.
– Made it so the Culprit’s sheathed knife and unequipped bow and arrow become invisible while he’s disguised in mud and near a mud rock.
– Upgraded the Culprit’s mud texture.
– Officer’s can no longer fire or reload their gun while freeing another officer.
– Fixed issue where officers would sometimes be moved under the bus upon arriving at the gorge.

JANUARY 22RD, 2024 [VERSION 0.2.2]

– Added feature where diving into an Officer as the Culprit will start a Face-Off.
– Fixed issue where players would spawn on top of the lobby after a match.


Big content update for the week of January 21st, 2024!


– New special tool for the officers: THE RADAR. An optional swap for grenades at the start of each round. Activating it will send radio waves, automatically searching the area around you for the Culprit. It has a 15 meter radius and searches through obstructions. 20 second cooldown between uses.
– 3 new movement options for the Culprit: DIVE, ROLL, AND WALL SLIDE.
DIVE: Crouch while sprint to dive forward and automatically go into prone. Careful where you dive, or you’ll get hurt!
ROLL: Get a running start, jump, and be crouching upon landing and you’ll roll forward and gain a short speed boost. Crouching on landing also breaks your fall a little bit. Don’t go prone though otherwise you’ll take double fall damage!
WALL SLIDE: You can now slide down the landslide walls that lead into the bottom of the gorge. It will save you a lot of time if you want to get down there fast. Use this to your advantage!
– The Gorge has been UPGRADED. New trees have been added around the forest area of the map to give it a more natural feeling, and to officer more cover to the Culprit and Officers, connecting different clumps of trees into a greater network. Due to this the Culprit now has more traversal options and can travel much further distances while just on the treetops.
– Added a brief graphic tutorial for newcomers.
– The Culprit get’s notified when an officer pings him with either the flashlight or radar.
– New notification sound effect when the culprit is spotted for both Culprit and Officers.
– Added radio that plays music in the Officer’s bus.
– Added a forcefield bubble that displays over each officer while they’re invincible (15 seconds at the start of a round).
– Added cooldown timer UI over the Officer’s special item icon.
– New original pre-game music for both Culprit and Officers.
– The server will frequently send gameplay tips in the game chat.
– Bow can now be equipped while in prone, but you’ll stand up when using it.
– Void black blockers to cover external parts of the map that are visible while inside tunnels and hiding holes.


– Performance improvements across the span of the map.
Opted for lower-poly hillsides and, single mesh leaves on top of each tree rather than multiple. The memory that each hillside model takes was reduced by about 10000%. Similar number for the leaves. Base game memory has been reduced by a good amount because of this. Further performance improvements beyond this will come in future updates!
– Reworked the way the way that resources spawn into the map at the start of a match to be less performance heavy on the server to also greatly improve game performance.

JANUARY 17TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.1.3]

– Fixed issue where upon being caught in a spike trap that officer would get flung sometimes.
– Culprit and Officer will automatically break out of a Face-Off if the Officer gets caught in a trap during the Face-Off.
– Face-Offs now deal damage. If the Culprit wins the face-off he’ll deal 75 damage. If the Officer wins the Face-Off, he’ll deal 25 damage. If neither win, then both deal 25 damage.
– Fixed issue where grenades wouldn’t explode for some players and would permanently remain in the play area.
– Fixed issue where after a player dies in a trap, that player wouldn’t be able to chat upon respawning in the lobby.
– Minor lobby UI adjustment.

JANUARY 16TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.1.2]

– Improved Match Loop script to fail less frequently. When it does fail the Match Timer freezes making the game unable to continue.
– Added safety check that protects the Match Loop script. If the Match Timer fails the safety check script will reboot the script and restart the loop.
– Made it so that officers are unable to chat while caught in a trap.
– Fixed problem where upon starting the round officers would sometimes fall out of the bus rather than sit down inside it.
– Lowered volume of bus engine.
– Fixed main music theme issue in the lobby.

JANUARY 15TH, 2024 [VERSION 0.1.1]

– Disabled shift lock.
– Fixed bug that gave players the “Beat The Developer” badge while Zipperable is not in game.


– Initial Beta release.