I am the lead developer at Crocket-Tech Studios. Group
We are making a game called RISE, it is similar in a way to flood escape where you have to escape rising water by completing obstacles. Before you go find it, since it is in BETA it costs 25R$. (Sorry)
The main part of the game is complete but we still need to finish the shop.
What items do you think should be in the shop? Please keep in mind that trails, and sprint are game passes.
Some possible solutions are:
-Name Tags
Secondchance - when someone dies they will get the opportunity to use a second chance item
Jump Boost / Speed Increase (for all players playing) - everyone in the round will get increased jump boost and speed.
Dance moves or emotes - when the player wins they can dance or do emotes up on the top while they wait for the others to reach the top (like taunting).
I think your game can successfully accommodate a variety of shop items including accessories and skills/ power-ups. Going over each,
Pets, Hats, Collectibles, Tangibles, etc. Players love these for their customization purposes, but they also like expressing their advancement in the game through these items. This type on consumable works in many games, and is very easy to implement because it is separate from gameplay.
Double-jump, flips, agility-based moves, etc. Less games have these types of consumables in shops, because it reacts with gameplay styles. I think this would be very interesting to see in your game and would add a whole other level of complexity to what you have. If your interested I would look at Super Bomb Survival, a very successful ROBLOX game which masters this.
I wouldn’t reccomend having sprint be a game pass; it’d be better to give everyone sprint or having it as an ability/perk in the shop. Usually players don’t like to have to pay to win; as the game goes on, more and more people will buy sprint, making players leave as they can’t win without buying it.
Hi there! I have a suggestion for the shop idea. I think you should implement a Accessory Page. Things the players can buy with in-game currency, and ROBUX. The things you should put in the Accessory Page in my opinion consist of pet’s, that follow you in a trail. And Skills you can use in the game that would be considered rare. Those are my suggestions, Good luck!