Shop item won't let me buy it because I don't have enough points even though I do

So if I attempt to buy something in my shop when I don’t have enough points it won’t let me buy it, but the problem is that when I do have enough points it still won’t let me buy it. Here is a video to demonstrate

robloxapp-20210413-1857242.wmv (888.3 KB)

(Note, I am using AlvinBlox’s skin shop stuff since I don’t know how to make my own skin shop yet. It’s also a problem with his code too)

How are you giving yourself points? make sure its on the server and not only the client

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I did a command to in the command bar

so you are on the client, make sure you change to the server then use the command bar so it is executed on the server side


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You need to give it through the server, in a server script just make it so if you touch a part you get 1m

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Ok, I will try that right now. Thanks for the suggestion

Or you can do this and it will work

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Ok so I tested it now and it worked lol, I am laughing at myself right now.