Shop UI Feedback

So I am trying to make a Shop UI for my game I am working on. I want to make sure the user knows what they are buying (with the game’s currency) and how much the new item boosts them and if it worth buying. Any fixes or suggestions you might have, please leave them in a reply. Thanks!


Instead of this, I’d make it so you’d click on a button that would open a new tab with all the info about the item with the buy button in it. By that, it’d make the main UI a tad smaller and maybe added a slider :thinking:
For the text - add padding (space between the bottom and top margins) for the “Shop” text.
And finally, for the colors, I’d change the colors although I’m not sure what kind of game genre you’re working on.


The color scheme looks odd. You could try using one of these color combinations instead:

  • Blue and grey
  • Orange and black
    You could also try changing the stats box to transparent black.
    Also, you could have the stat information appear when hovering over the buy button (which would make space less of a constriction).
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@Krunnie @ernakou How does this look? Any improvements I can make here?


Looks a lot better. I wouldn’t change a thing :ok_hand:


Since the shop doesn’t seem to be using all the space to the right half of the UI, I would reccomend making individual stat titles then having the numbers constantly on display. You could also put a general description of the items and what the stats mean at the top. If there comes a point where there are too many items to fit in just that screen, then you should add a scroll bar on the right side so that users can see the rest of the items.


Other than that it looks pretty good! Good luck on your UI, and I hope it turns out the way you want it!

Edit: I saw the changes that you made, that looks good as well. I will leave this as an alternative to the current changes you made.


I think that you could move the picture and description over to the right, so it could look bigger.

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There a Roblox Plugin that you can round the corners of the UI(If you are wanting to have a cartoon look UI)


Some feature that would make this better:

  • Grey Toned Colores
  • Contrast from each button
  • Make a scroll frame on the left invisible and list the items
  • Use the right side as a section for the stats and a picture of the tool or pass

As I looked down on this post, I saw that you made some changes. That does look good but does need some changes.

New Suggestion: (After Seeing New Version)

  • Make the Buttons Rounded
  • Cast some shadows using darker colored labels
  • Add a scrolling Frame to make more room
  • Change the colors for more to more appealing tones
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Try to use a color palette that fits the theme of your game instead of using two contrasting colours.

You can try this site:

Might also want to research Material Design too