Shop/Inventory Player Data Systems Help

I am trying to find out way to script player data with buying things and datasave it as inventory

So first of all, I am using method like

  1. Use NumValue on Player.Data folder to buy thing
  2. Change ObjectValue on Player.Avatar folder into hat to change player hat (script in character detects change and give plr hat)

I want to fix this to be used with table. Thinking about module script but i think it is not editable across scripts.

How can i make player buy on shop and save it to playerdata as table which is editable and opened for other script to bring value from them? And how can i load those values on table for loading inventory UI data for equiping?

I also need to seperate inventory table such as

ㄴPaintball Gun

Module scripts can be edited across scripts by changing the value within the module script

local Module = require(yourmodule)
Module.ValueYouWannaChange = new values

Hope this helps!

ok i will try that later i get home