Shopios - Staff Code of Conduct

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:information_source: Staff Code Of Conduct

The Staff Code of Conduct is what we have implemented to ensure that our staff rules, regulations, expectations, and values are being followed.

You are required to be respectful towards other staff members and our customers. Verde is a welcoming community, and we welcome anyone to our community. You are required to respect everyone within our premises, including trollers and exploiters.

You are required to be professional within Verde premises. Staff members are expected to maintain a professional and honest attitude within our premises. You are held accountable and are required to take responsibility for your actions, including mistakes.

You are required to meet our standards and expectations while employed and working within our premises. You are expected and required to be professional and use grammar at all times while working. You additionally must respect our other staff members and our customers, including those who are trolling and exploiting.

Customer Treatment
You are required to treat our customers with great customer service and high respect. You are expected and required to provide all of our customers with excellent service. Disrespect and/or poor service towards any customer is not permitted, and will result in disciplinary action.

Staff Treatment
You are required to treat other staff members with high respect. You are expected and required to show a positive attitude, kindness, respect, and professionalism towards other staff members.

:arrows_clockwise: Conclusion

The rules listed on this page that apply to you and your rank must be followed while visiting and working at any of our group places. Failure to follow these rules or attempting to work around them will result in consequences from our admins. Feel free to message any Management Intern or above about the rules listed above if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about them.

:tada: We hope that this new and updated handbook has helped you understand more about how things work at Shopios! If you have any questions or concerns regarding anything listed in any of these documents, do not hesitate to speak to any of our friendly staff!

:wave: We hope to see you at our games very soon!

:page_facing_up: Approved and Written by Shopios HRs.
:date: Last Updated August 1st, 2021.

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