Shopping Center | Feedback Before Re-release

:wave: | Hello Devfourm, this is an update to a old post that I made around a year ago.

I’m planning on re-releasing an old game of mine that was deleted due to a moderation error, but before I did so I wanted to gather some feedback for what I can do to improve this game.

Here is the description, which provides information on the game.

:shopping: Welcome to Avatar Catalog, a revolutionized shopping experience in the Metaverse!

You can:
:tshirt:Create and try on endless new outfits with the in-game catalog!
:people_holding_hands:View and try on your friends’ saved outfits with the outfit loader to see what they may be hiding!
:dancer: Browse and try emotes with the emote catalog!
:man_running:View and try on Roblox animations!
:coat:Purchase Roblox’s new layered clothing!
:speech_balloon: Use chat commands to try on items! (Ex: /korblox, /headless)
:art: Browse 20+ premade outfits, just to give some inspiration when creating your avatar!

  • More in this tropical island inspired shopping mall! :desert_island:

:white_check_mark: All faces, hats, shirts, pants, emotes and animations purchased in Avatar Catalog go directly into your Roblox inventory!

Disclaimer: None of the items contained in Avatar Catalog are created by TRCM, and are instead created by talented UGC creators. For item removal, contact @Its_TylerM!

:+1::star2: Likes and favorites are appreciated!

:sparkling_heart:Created with love by The Roblox Clothing Mall

I’ve attached some gameplay screenshots for you all to check out as well:

In-game Outfit Loader

In-game Emote Menu

In-Game avatar editor with shop

We aim to provide a positive shopping experience for users by providing all of these features in on game.

Here is a link to the game, so you can test the features for yourself: [Outfit Loader] Avatar Catalog - Roblox

Feedback is appreciated on any aspect of this game, including the building, UI, and overall user experience. I plan on releasing it soon!

Thanks! :grinning:


Apologies, I forgot to mention that you will earn a badge when you join the game. I know some of you try to avoid gathering badges.

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