[SHORT-TERM - Starting at $80] Architecture - Cafés/Event Centers/Houses/Maps

Not available


Do you have any past work references? If so please include them

Interested! Please add me on discord:


Could you describe to me the 5th picture, please? I don’t think that picture fits with the rest of the realistic furniture.

Hi im looking to hire u this is what I need (OPEN)Looking for an experienced builder to make a large city. Price 200k! I’m paying 200k

They showed clear examples of their work…?

Hello, I’d like to pay you to make something for 20-40k, contact me on Discord: MrSteel#1952

I would recommend Sterpant to anyone looking for a high quality builder, I’ve just ordered a commission, great customer service. Also finished my commission as fast as possible; just had a thorough look around and theres no imperfections, everything is joined together and ready for whatever you need it for!


Would recommend Sterpant, built me a very high-quality modern house in great time.