Short Volcano Obby

I’ve made a short obby to try and test out how well I can make them.
It’s been tested and is possible.

Please provide feedback and give constructive criticism.

certain things rely on attributes some things do not happen

also you can double jump


Well, I have already joined and I am getting frequent lag spikes, kind of annoying especially if it is an obby.

It also takes forever to respawn. By using a Died event, you can use LoadCharacter() to make the players respawn quicker.

Nothing much else to say… I couldn’t really play it because of the lag spikes.

  • X

Alright, that’s good to know. I’ll see what I can do.

Edit: I usually use studio on weekdays so i probably wont change it for abit

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I removed most particle emitters, and converted to shadow map. Does it still have lag spikes?