Should I add vibrations to my Roblox game?

I wanted to add vibrations to my game (when you use the GUI, when you die, when you get rewards and so on).
The main part of a game is visual but you add sounds to make it more immersive by adding another layer of sensation, which is the hearing.
Now we’re able to make it even more immersive by adding a third layer. The touch.
Vibrations help make a game feel more immersive too.
The only thing that stops me from adding vibrations to my game is that they supposedly break the voice chat and there seem to be issues with some devices.
Despite that they also use a lot of energy on phones and so on.

First of all. Is that actually true? Do you have to deactivate the voice chat in a game that uses haptic feedback? If that’s the case couldn’t you make your game so that it checks if someone got VC and only if that’s the case it turns off haptic feedback?

Some really big games like Pet Simulator 99 use vibrations…and they got a lot of mobile players and are perfectly optimised (literally the top games that earn millions of dollars each month).
So should I add them too?


The only time I would recommend vibrations is only for controllers, Is it even possible to add vibrations to mobile devices? (Didn’t Know)

In my opinion, I find vibrations most useful in controllers for Shooter Games (mostly just Shooting). but is also useful for feedback, especially deaf players, though most turn it off mostly because of the fact that vibrations are being over-used in game - making it annoying - and yes! it does actually take a bit of power but not too much to reduce play-time by much minutes…

To conclude, it really matters on the aspects of your game, and your target audience, In my opinion there isn’t really much of a need for vibrations.


Yeah I just tried Pet Sim and it vibrating like every 3 seconds. I would like to add a weak vibration whenever you click a button and so on, a medium one or so for stuff like reward and a strong one when you die (fall in. the lava). How does it mess with the voice chat though? No way I con only add it for console players.

You can check GamepadEnabled and at that point it’s effectively the same since it’ll only try to vibrate if there’s a controller connected

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Hmm Alright. But about the phone thing. Why should I not make it run for mobile players too? Does it disable the voice chat?

Why would it disable voice chat? I haven’t seen anything about that.

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People say it messes with voice chat. I thought they meant that it disables it. I don’t know how it would do that though…
Maybe they just meant that you could hear the sound of the vibrating hardware…So some mobile players in voice chat would have some buzzing sound.

I would not overdo the haptic feedback because it could be quite annoying. Also add a setting to disable it.

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