Hi, My name is Basenji and I was wondering if I should continue on my game or not I have been working on it for a while but kinda lost motivation to work on it after being told that difficulty charts are kinda dead what should I do? Here’s the game if You would like to check it out! [Basenjis Difficulty Chart Obby] (Basenji's Difficulty Chart Obby - Roblox)
probably not
the game itself is good and there’s nothing really wrong with it from my perspective
but the playerbase for difficulty chart obbies in general is going down
and the concept of developing it probably gets boring after a while
although, if you have the funds to advertise it then you can continue the project if you’d like
Hi, creating a Difficulty chart obby is a good idea!
Whoever said this is wrong is wrong, many good obbys attract a large number of players, you just need to take a more serious approach to creating your own DCO!
Here are my tips for what you need to do:
1) Make the character type R6, it is much more convenient than R15 obby
2) Add a stage selector
3) Make a more concise graphical interface, it looks nice and does not scare players away from the game
Like this
4) Mobile shift lock, mobile player will be comfortable to play
5) Fast rotation of the camera on mobile devices, on PC you can adjust the rotation speed, but on mobile devices it is impossible, if the rotation is slow, it will not be very convenient, especially for professional players
6) do a lot of interesting and obby-compatible stages
I wish you good luck in creating games!