Should i fill out the experience questionnare?

If there’s no chatting I wouldn’t know I’m not THAT experienced

My game also has free-form user creation. You can check out the label on my game:

You can also go in the game to see if you think the label matches

Alright I have to go I’ll touch base in like 2 hours

The silly thing is roblox doesnt take action against games that are labeled incorrectly until it starts destroying their image.

yes this is probably it lol

On a platform with thousands of new games being released every day, roblox doesnt have the capacity to check on small games maturity level. Thus your game would never have been taken down unless mass reported.

So uh yeah. Just some info :3

What things could I say no to then to reduce my maturity? (And avoid moderation as much as possible whilst lying)

Just got rid of social hangout and free-form generated content and its been reduced to minimal. Not sure if I’d be able to get away with doing that though.

I’ve still kept violence: mild/occasional and fear: occasional/mild

Unless your game takes off and bad stuff starts happening on your game, roblox isnt likely to moderate it.

The violence part can still be set to no, and fear.

I still dont condone lying, but do what you must.

So keep social hangout + free-form user content on?

Thats up too you, I would keep it on, (but then again its your game not mind, so I dont really care for its outcome lol), so yeah.

Doesn’t having a higher maturity lead to your game being less discoverable though?

no I think it just drops the amount of people that can play your game, ofc that depends on what kind of game you are making.
I couldnt tell you for this case as I do not create social games.
So it really depends on your target audience, and no, everyone is not a target audience.

Really just do what you are doing at your own risk, on one side doing it correctly the chances of being moderated for it drop to like 1%, but your players may reduce cause of it.

on the other side you have like a 10% of being moderated (if your game gets into drama and you dont moderate the players in your game yourself, that chance may rise), but on the plus side you may get more players.

Could I have some support here? For a different issue?

Ok I don’t know whether this is due to someone joining the game and saying “im gonna play this game on 5 alts” and buying alot of my stuff or because i changed the maturity but now i can easily find my game in the search result after searching the name compared to before. It is basically the top search result.

The maturity is minimal now.

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