Should i fill out the experience questionnare?

Does it benefit my game in any way?

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This screenshot is talking about december 2024?

Also, Iā€™m having a bit of a struggle filling it out:

Does this experience contain violence and/or violent content?

My game simply has respawning but the only thing u can die to is a nuke product. The nuke has sirens and a countdown and explosions. Would this be considered as a yes?

Does this experience include scary elements that may trigger fear?

My game again only has the nuke. Not sure whether that would be ā€œfearā€ or not though.

Does this experience include free-form user creation?

I only have text signs and image signs in my game, not sure if that counts or not.

This is my game for reference to check out

I think it does.

I think it helps the algorithm recommend your game to the right audience. For example, you wouldnā€™t want a game like HELLMET to be recommended to All ages. As the game is quite gruesome.

Or a horror game in the simulator category. Thereā€™s much more examples, but I think you get what I mean.

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Could you help answer the post above I made?

for the first two no, dont think it counts, but I cant confirm.

if the users can write on the signs then yes I believe.

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Iā€™d probably say that the game would be Mild-Moderate due to the use of nukes and explosions. So ultimately it would be fair the rating that you were given.

Iā€™d say that the first one is fine the second and 3rd I would recommend saying yes a nuke with sirens count as fear

But again, this is my opinion.

I donā€™t understand though, this game has a maturity of mild and itā€™s obviously way more mature than my game.

Was it because of the fact that I said ā€œsocial hangoutā€ + ā€œfree-form contentā€? Does that boost up the maturity?

The reason is because they may not have filled out the questionnaire so they didnā€™t get the right maturity level.

But their experience never got in trouble or anything

Before I wrote that message I made a quick template game and added on a few stuff like guns and blood etc. and I put it to minimal maturity and it hasnā€™t got taken down thatā€™s why I couldnā€™t respond right away I waited a few hours.

So what is exactly boosting my maturity to moderate? I remember refilling out the questionnares and removing the violence/fear aspect but it was still moderate nonetheless.

Is it due to social hangouts immediately boosting up maturity or free-content?

That is most likely the case. Social hangout should be in a range of like 10-x so it is moderate the questionnaire helps for a game where they have no background for it and the questionnaire helps them decide.

Other social hangout games donā€™t put that in though even though theyā€™re clearly social hangout games. Should I just get rid of it?

Can you please be a bit clearer

I still donā€™t understand though the benefits to completing the questionnare:

Does your game get recommended more or anything?

Is your game less likely to be moderated?

If you could list out all the benefits of doing it that would be appreciated.

This game for example:

It is quite clearly a social hangout game, yet on the questionnare they never said it was a social hangout.

What iā€™m asking is, should I just do the questionnare again and say no to my game being a social hangout?

I will try.

  1. Less likely to be moderated

  2. It gets recommended to that audience putting it on minimal eill let it be on the front page more often.

Does your game have any voice chat and/or anything else but social hangout

The game has voice chat, but the default chatting system is disabled. You can only communicate with players through text signs.