So, I’ve been using a method where I have a script in every player’s character that responds to events. I place a folder that holds the remotes as a child of the script. When you do a action like using a ability it will run that remote, everyone has that same setup. I’m wondering if this would cause heavy server loads with lots of people later on since it makes a lot of connections. Should I just have a script in ServerScriptService
and store the RemoteEvents in ReplicatedStorage
If I am reading your post correctly, you are stating that every player has their own remote events which are being listened to by the server and/or every other player. If every player has their own remote events, attached to their character as per you say, that is going to result in a lot of unnecessary connections. Over time, those large amounts of connections are going to cause you problems, in both server performance and code readability. There’s really no need to have remote events for each player as opposed to a singular ones used by every player because a new thread is created per each remote event activation (which negates the worry of data collisions, if that is what you were concerned about). Yes, there’s a limit for how many times you can fire a remote event per second, but I doubt 20 remote events will be consistently fired every second in your game, and if it does happen, then that’s a result of a massive flaw in how you’ve structured your code and not of the remote event limit’s fault.
In short, it is better to have singular remote events used by every player, than have separate remote events for each player
Does the remote event limit apply per player or everyone?
The remote event limitations is per remote event.
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