Like, a place where the exploiter is humiliated and people laugh at him/her? SURE, exploiters are annoying and nobody likes them, they make the game bad and they annoy players.
Couldn’t someone make a game with that anti-exploit and rig it like a trap? Let’s say I had that universal ban list, but changed the script so anyone who joins the game is instantly banned just so I could screw with people and ban them from a ton of other games who would then mistake them for hackers.
To me, that seems like a terrible idea, but I wouldn’t know whether it works or not.
I would have it where you can ban someone from just your game and if a bunch of games from multiple creators also ban them then it’s added to the universal list, or they could request them to be added with evidence of hacking or whatever.
I know some games which publicly show that the person cheated/exploited items.
Examples are like how lumber tycoon 2 will make cheated items and boxes say ‘I CHEATED FOR THIS BOX’ in red letters. Happened to have actually seen one yesterday.
Another one like some have said is jailbreak’s cage system.
And another one is how tradelands will make your overhead rank say ‘combat logger’ if you leave the game while attacking someone so you don’t loose coins and give the person a kill.
Also there is a game where it will teleport you to a place saying ‘exploiting is bad’ and has several insult like quotes towards the exploiter.
There are lots more I could list but these were some that just popped in my head.
Should you humiliate them publicly? You could, but most simply use throw away accounts. Get banned on one, log into/make another one.
Why is everybody worrying about anticheats if you can just outsource it to ROBLOX moderation?
…because the chances of an exploiter getting moderated are quite slim? I’ve reported ten aimlockers in Arsenal last week alone, and If any of them actually were punished, I sure wouldn’t know.
But to the point of the post, consider having a public execution for them. Like just have say a monster pop out of the ground, grab the player, and drag them down with them. Any players witnessing the event would immediately know there was a hacker, and the hacker gets humiliated in front of everybody. A win-win.