Should i make a lobby in my obby or not?

Question1 : Is it better to add a lobby or not? If it is go to Question 3. If it’s not go to Question 2

Question 2 : How should my beginning look like then?

Question 3 : How should i make my lobby look then?

Thank you in advance for replying :smile:


What type of obby are you making? Is it one that is just stages, like Mega Fun Obby, one with a setting, like Escape the School Obby, or is it one like Epic Miningames that teleports players to random stages?


More like Mega Fun Obby And it’s more appealing to the younger-audience.


Hmmm, then if you are planning on making a huge obby with tons of players, yes, because they need a bigger place to spawn and maybe a short introduction.


And how could i make the lobby cool and fun?


Well, it depends on your style. If you are making a colorful obby with many different colors, you should make the lobby colorful. If you are making an obby based on one group of colors, such as yellow, orange, and red, make the lobby have only those colors and shades of those colors. Whatever it is, don’t take my word that seriously and use your imagination. Your lobby should contain the “feel” of you game and appeal to your target audience, which would be the younger people. I’ve heard that the younger audience likes the low-poly and cartoony styles of building, and they probably prefer colorful places too.


My game is kind of colorful too here is the link to it : Fun Obby! - Roblox U can play it if you want :smile:


And should i make it blocky or roundy?

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  1. I like your obby and think it would appeal to a younger audience.
  2. If you’re making it blocky or roundy, it all depends on your building style. I suggest mixing different types of shapes in your game, like stars, spheres, triangles, etc, etc.

Ok i will do that in the next stages.

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And what would you rate my game out of 10?

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7/10. You might want to add more detail to your stages, it’s kind of bland right now.

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Someone else said 7/10 too so that means it’s true :laughing:


You did it Riley!
Take her to the moon for me. Okay?

Okay jokes aside, basic obby, it was quite easy, nothing unique but i enjoyed it!
You got like from me! :wink:

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Tysm. Have a nice day and NEVER GIVE UP i know its really random but yeah :laughing:

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I recommend you adding a lobby with a tutorial. That would help the player a bit.

I have tried your obby and I have a thing to say.
The music doesn’t really match the game. It’s way to “epic”. I recommend using cartoonish music (idk what it is called). Anyways have a good day. Also sorry if this is a bit off-topic

Ok i will do that tommorow ok and i’ll change the music tommorow too

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What do you mean by lobby? Is it going to be a race?

Usually lobby within this genre are normally just a medium large spawn area with small decorations you see normal lobbies for obby, but some don’t include a decorative area have something to wait in for players.

Make the lobby match the style and theme of your game, it doesn’t need to be detailed or anything but something just for players to stand on. Look at the “Longest Obby In Roblox” for example; you can see they have a basic lobby with little props around. Buildings wooden pieces so on and so forth, and then players go straight into playing the actual game.

The design and how you want it to look like can be thought of on your own. Come up with a sort of view, gather inspiration from existing games around what your making, to gather small ideas and try incorporating them within your game.

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I would say yes, here’s why. I say yes because when done and finished with the obby you could TP them back to the beginning lobby and award them a point, the lobby type depends on the obby type. If a future looking obby maybe a metal and slate looking room with curved corners, add benson blue with bloom to reduce the blurry blue ray.