That is true. But if I want my game to expand in customization and creativity then it will be hard to do it in r15. Maybe I could make part of it r15 for goalies and some stuff in r6 like players idk.
Yeah that is true. Do you think if I do the player in r6 and make the goalie r15 it could be easier? Because idk how I would get pads onto a r6 character.
Within your game you need to choose an r6 rig, r15 rig, or player choice. So hate to say it, but that wouldn’t be an option (without complex rig emulation)
You could start with R6 but as you get more experience it’d be a good idea to experiment with R15.
Yeah I just realized that lol. This will be hard if I want both goalie and player customizations.
Maybe if the game goes into a part 2 I could try that (if the game goes popular), or a future update. But, how would I fit goalie pads onto a r6?
sounds amazing love chel and be a pro i hope you make it
Thanks! The game currently only needs a modeler and I am sorting out details. The game should be out late December so stay tuned! (Game will be called Hockey Universe).
TL;DR: As an extra point, R6 not only means simpler animations but also less parts to move/animate in the server, something that depending on the quantity of players, could help when talking about lag.
That is a good point. I just worry about goalies and how I would fit pads and stuff on a r6 character.
Because on a player r6 would be great but on goalies it would cause problems.
what do you need for a models?
What do you mean by that? Like can you explain more.
I sincerely believe that r6 is better in almost all cases. Some games like this are definitely more fit for r15, however games with r6 like Flee the Facility are better in r6.
There’s already a post for this exact same topic:
I’d suggest you use R15 because of the wider capabilities in terms of animations. It sounds as if good animations might have a considerable impact on the quality of your game. If you’re unable to animate or you can’t afford to pay somebody to animate, it may be wise to just use R6 and feature animations where possible.
Ok good to know and thanks for the feedback.
you said all you need is a modeler like what would you need from them?
We just hired a modeler. But we needed like skates, sticks and all the equipment.
R6 I would recommend. Animating in R6 is much simpler, and you can make them look better with less effort. R6 also turns your scripts simpler, as you don’t have to add in Left Hand. Left Lower Arm, etc.
With R6 you also get an advantage with easier customization. There are less parts to put onto the character.
Ok thanks for the feedback. I will take that into notice.