Should I run animations on the server when its easier?

Hey so I’m currently wondering whether I should go out of my way to run animations on the client. For the most part all of my animations obviously run on the client as thats just how it should be but in some SPECIFIC cases its easier to just play them on the server. (e.g playing an animation everytime you get hit by an attack, your block gets hit, block gets broken, etc)

If I really wanted to play anims on the client in these use cases I’d have to fire remote events to the client to do so. Also in some cases I want to stop the tracks under certain conditions which would require me to fire another event to stop the track.

Another thing is that my game has NPCs so I’d also have to check whether its an NPC or not to determine whether to fire a remote event or play it on the server.

My question is: Is it worth all of this effort just to make sure the animations are on the client? Or should I just leave them on the server. What even is the difference?

What im guessing is that running on the client is probably better since it wouldn’t give you some stuttering issues when playing on the server, though some cases it could also be better to play on the server to run some certain remotes, which can be exploited on the client side IF it was written on the client. You would have to do some more research online, I believe that theres posts just like this on the dev forum which can also answer your question.

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Animations which are ran on the client are automatically replicated to all clients, its a waste of resources to play them on the server as it has more important things to handle, also its not a major issue but running animations on the client will be almost instantaneous whilst running them on the server can have a few ms delay (almost noticeable, but not that big of a deal)

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