Should I start with blender or roblox studio?

Hello there,

I am an decent scripter with 2 years of experience and basically i know most of roblox lua.

I am developing for two years but never finished a game. You ask why? Because I can’t build and players doesn’t see the technical stuff they only play because they think this game looks nice. (There are people who see the efforts on technical sides too).

So I want to start learning building but don’t where what should I learn first.

I have seen many posts saying that building/modeling on blender is far better than doing same thing on roblox tools.

So what’s expert builders thought about this.

blender first or roblox studio.


i think roblox studio goes first because, example you created a mesh that took 2-3 days for roblox and you dont know import it, it would be a waste of effort and time, i think you should go with roblox studio first but since you are experienced with studio for 2 years but have not completed a game i think its time you start learning blender (if you want to 3d model or just build in general)


I have actually imported meshesh before I think it was from a devforum tutorial about low poly terrain It was the last time i touched blender.

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Learn to use Studio first.

Studio is much more simple, so it’ll give you a smooth start when learning to create environments, props, etc. Since Blender’s capabilities in terms of 3D modelling are far more advanced than what you’ll find in Studio, it requires a lot more skill. Studio will act as a nice introduction to all that.


It all depends on what you’re interested in, you could build on Studio using parts and unions and get probably the same result as on Blender or either you could model assets on Blender and them import them on Studio. It honestly all depends on you and how you feel comfortable. You can even just use both of them and combine your skills, it would add more detail to your game. Also, maybe the first month you will think you’re not really good at building, but such skills comes with practice and most importantly immagination. Try hard and you’ll see your results, good luck!


Studio should be a starting point before you try anything else. Get the basics of 3D modeling down and practice for maybe a couple weeks until you want to try blender. Make sure to watch a bunch of tutorials in the beginning, like Blender Guru’s starter donut tutorial, which gives you the knowledge of how to navigate blender + a nice frosted donut.


I learned Roblox Studio first and I think that helped me with understanding the creative side of map designing for environments, making exploring seem fun, rather than an inconvenience when traveling from one location to another.

I use Blender for quickly 3d modeling low poly assets that I would import and then create a map in Roblox Studio with. Meshes imported from Blender make it easier to sculpt and create your environments in Roblox Studio.


Blender is better, gives u more options and is smoother for the player.
Roblox studio is a bit easier to get started but is limiting to what you can do, anything really cool probably will lag out the player and it is becoming less and less popular in roblox and people are starting to hire modelers more than builders.

Your choice


Same here. Roblox studio’s interface seems to be more easy for kids/beginners who want to develop to use.


It looks like most people are saying I should start with roblox tools and then move onto blender. Thanks ya’ll!


I feel blender would be the best way to go, of course I understand other people’s response that studio is much more simplistic however if you go the simple way you won’t learn very fast. I’m self taught at blender and I know that once you learn basics it’s easy as brushing teeth in the morning. Also once you learn blender it will be very easy to transfer to studio and you’d have a good understanding of positioning and overall geometric design for spacing and other things.


BLENDER! if you’re good at blender you’ll be good at roblox studio.


I definitely agree with your opinion. Roblox Studio still has a lot of features that I barely use so I rarely ever touch them, but Blender has even more :rofl:

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If you don’t have any basic knowledge of Studio consider learning that first before striving into 3D software since assets you produce in Blender will be likely to export to studio, why not just learn both as you will get more comfortable with the tools and workflow on how things work.

I would highly recommend starting out with using Studio if your into making more complex models or certain objects that can’t be done within Studio go to Blender, since it provides you with many tutorials and resources something to take along. When starting in a modelling software it isn’t quite hard you just need to learn the software and ropes then overtime you will improve.

With a lot of practice, and patients you’ll be able learn both of them quite easily depending on what your trying to produce: I would just learn both just to get comfortable with how things work.


Hey there,

I’d recommend Roblox Studio. This is because of in Blender, your not able to do EVERYTHING that needs to be finished up in Studio.

I would start with studio if you have no designing exp at all. I’m new to building for roblox but go to college for computer aided drafting and design so I had a head start slightly. So I am learning both blender and studio at the same time. Would recommend learning one at a time if you have no prior experience with design software.

I dont Think that. Besides that the blender controls are totally different from those of roblox studio, both have too different things to say that, one is only for basic simple 3d modeling, and in roblox it becomes more complicated although it reaches almost the same level of modeling without exceed 10k polygons which is what roblox accepts today, In roblox studio to model you need to know about the negative parts, unions, meshes, and know how to use the other tools that the program offers you.

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If we seriously, Blender Its Easier Than Roblox Studio, I touched Roblox studio when i has 8 years old and i really didnt understand nothing, the interface seems, but not easy, I ever try to teach others use roblox studio and they wont learn because they say are hard, at blender its all easier than roblox studio, only for not be unreal engine, you cannot generalize and say that roblox studio its for kids.


Studio comes first. It’s basically one of the building blocks to learn blender in my opinion. It can help you build a better understanding of creating anything like props, maps, environments, and all else. Once you have a clear understanding of Studio building you’ll exceed to Blender and adapt rather quickly to the numerous changes and options you have there.