Should I switch from roblox DataStore to ProfileService?

I own a pretty big game and I’ve been using roblox default DataStore (it was a quick project that blew up and I didn’t know about Profile Service at that time), but after so many reports of Data Loss and issues with roblox datastores hurting my game,

I wanna switch to ProfileService. Issue is, I really don’t know how I would go about this without a data wipe because I know nothing about ProfileService or if it’s even better. Lemme know how I should go about this

From my understanding, ProfileService is just a module that makes it easier to use the default data store. So you could either try to find the potential reason to the data loss and try to fix it or allow reverting back to old saves.
However if you really want to switch to profile service you could probably make a test place, save some stuff like you do in the main game, then loop through the data stores and keys, then save that data with profile service.
Once you get it to work, implement profile service and copy the data. I suggest keeping the old data stores and code for loading those data stores, until you’ve gotten feedback and made sure it works properly.
There are probably more forum posts about how to use profile service and what it does, I suggest looking at those to learn more about how to use it.