Should I use blender or studio to make pools?

Hey fellow builders! I am working on a map and need to decide if im going to make pools in blender or in studio.


First I wanted to make it in blender beacuse if I make it in studio it will most likely cause more lag (beacuse of more parts), I will possibly have problems with hitboxes and it will take more time.

But in studio, I will be able to complete everything quicker by using plugins.

What do you guys think?


Well, the easier way is to use unions and union the circles in, and other object to fit the shape. But for a less laggy (Unions (if there are a lot) will,and can creat lag). But you could use Blender to make the shape; which would be much more efficient.

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Theres a plugin I use to make the circles so I wouldnt be using unions.

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Blender has a learning curve, unlike studio, which has a teeny tiny learning curve. Blender is way faster to make things like this one you get used to the controls as the application is really versatile compared to studio, and is designed specifically for that purpose. Yes, meshes cause less lag than just parts, but they don’t have collisions as good as parts. They can also be a pain to fix because you’d have to go through the entire process to import it to studio.

If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about collisions as much (unless it’s essential for the game). Generally, if it will have a lot of parts, use blender. If not, use studio.


Well I’d listen to this guy. Better responses then me.

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Thank you for this, I will see what other people say and then decide :smiley:

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depending on your device, time and your experience with both the applications u can decide, personally i’ll choose blender since its way easier to customize the mesh in future than studio. :slight_smile:

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