Should i use local script or normal srcipt for tools

Should i use local script or normal script or use both for tools
can someone please explain what to do

What will these scripts be doing?

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moves,emotes and other stuff

Let’s say you’re making a sword…
The tool of course has a handle so the player holds it.

You insert a client script in which you use UserInputService to listen to a player’s left mouseclick.

Once that happens you play the sword slashing animation + sound effect and if the sword hits anything during that animation you fire a remote event inside that tool.

In that same tool there should also be a server script which listens to said remote event.
When remote even gets fired, check if object being hit is a player (or npc) and has a humanoid after which you can substract some health from it.

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Use a server script. Local scripts are for the local player only i believe. Since you mention animations and stuff you would want to use a server script.

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Animations are auto-replicated if the humanoid has a animator inside of it.
Sound effects replicate if SoundService.RespectFilteringEnabled is turned off.

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