Should I use modulescripts very often?

I’ve recently started using modulescripts, as much as using them fries my brain but maybe because I am new to the whole concept.

My question is how often should I use them? I have read on some architypes like Singular Script architecture where you basically use modulescripts for pretty much everything.

I have used modulescript on my Gui’s but I realised I could of done it the normal way of just putting it into a single localscript and have everything run there but I would like to know your usage of module scripts and organisation if you have any screenshots.

I do not have any screenshots of my module script organizations (nor would I say that I use very many module scripts anyway) but I think that module scripts are helpful but not for every situation. You should use some more singular script usage for things client-sided such as GUIs but if you are creating a whole game system that involves many functions and events, a module script is perfect for organizing scenarios like that.

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