Should I use multiple remote events?

So let’s say I have a serverscript wich needs to send info to the client with a remote event, like click the button. Then if it is pressed the client needs to send back to the server what number the player clicked. Should I use the same remote event for that?

There is no real benefit to using one remote for multiple purposes (other than organisation).
Ideally, you should have a seperate remote for every task as to not reach the rate limit on a single remote. Though in your case I doubt it will make a difference… it’s entirely up to you.

Depending on what you’re trying to do.

If you have entirely separate functions, like player spawning, some shop processing, or admin commands processing, they should be in their own remote event.

But things that are different but all serve the same function should be in one remote event, alongside a variable to differentiate those things.

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