Should I use the Classic Haunted Mansion as a Map?

Hey everyone., I’ve a quick question. I’ve been debating for a long time now whether or not to include the ROBLOX Classic map ‘Haunted Mansion’ as one of the rotating maps in my upcoming game. I found the game file on my old harddrive months ago and thought it would be a fun, nostalgic map to include in my game. I later discovered that plenty of games use this map themselves, and I decided I didn’t want to look like I am a copycat or a thief of ideas from someone else.

I would like to use the map, especially right now, as I have very few maps that are ready to be used in the game, and I’ve gotten feedback that my game needs more maps before release. I’m wondering if I would receive hate for jumping on this ‘trend’ or be accused of copying, or is this a commonly known available map on ROBLOX? It would suit my game’s genre and would increase the amount of maps available at launch. What’s your opinion? Thanks in advance.

  • Include The Map
  • Do Not Include The Map
  • Include The Map, But Slightly Redesign it From Original
  • Other? [COMMENT]

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Redesign it to your game style!


try to make a revamp of the map, clean up parts, improve the sky, there is a ton you can do

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Personally, I would redesign it like adding more furniture, adding new areas etc.

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Personally I see people who just use old Roblox maps for games that aren’t specifically aiming for ‘old Roblox’ are just lazy.

Whatever the case is, use whatever you’d like though!

Where can i get the original map?

The original game is uncopylocked by Shedletsky

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